Company Profile

SimulConsult Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/24/20      CAGE: 5TPU5      UEI: SY9MCUG98L17

Business Identifier: Decision support system for clinical diagnosis and bioinformatics
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

27 Crafts Road Suite 101
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
   (617) 879-1670
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Norfolk

Public Profile

SimulConsult's medical decision support software allows doctors and other medical professionals to combine clinical and laboratory findings and get a "simultaneous consult" about diagnosis. The software suggests diagnoses and also identifies other findings that will be most useful in reaching a diagnosis. The software uses a statistical pattern-matching approach that takes into account the age of onset and offset of the findings in each disease. This information comes from a large peer-reviewed community of experts, assembled in a manner similar to information in journals. Healthcare professionals can use the software to help think through a particular case and can also contribute material for others to use such as descriptions of findings in diseases. For example, a doctor who has just reviewed an area for a published article can add the details of the clinical description material to the database, referenced to the article. The result: contributors help people make diagnoses and find their published articles at the same time. Benefits of using the software include: Reach the differential faster and more effectively, while saving time and increasing diagnostic quality, with greater confidence in recognizing atypical presentations of a common diseases and uncommon diseases, ensuring they have been fully factored in to making the diagnosis. Automatically document medical necessity for expensive tests. Get help with pay-for-performance, by focusing on the most relevant clinical findings and tests, with automatic documentation of your workup.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2018 2 NIH $2,650,280
Project Title: Empowering Physicians with Evidence-Based Decision Support for Pediatric Rheumato
2015 2 NIH $1,720,372
Project Title: Automated Genome-Phenome Analysis

Key People / Management

  Lynn K Feldman -- Chief Executive Officer

  Rick Berenson -- Chief Financial Officer

  David Feldman -- CTO

  Michael M Segal -- Founder, Chairman and Chief Scientist.