Newomics Inc., an early stage biotechnology company, commercializing innovative (New) and integrative (Omics) platforms and solutions for personalized healthcare and a player in the emerging field of "exposomics", rapid and sensitive detection of large sets of analytes ("exposome") that reflect the complexity of exposure in the personal environment using human specimens including blood, urine, and saliva. Previously, technology platforms able to underetake high-sensitivity, high-specificity, and multi-analyte detection of these samples required large volume samples. Newomic's proprietary technology - built on the multinozzle emitter array (MEA) technology, invented from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is based on silicon-microfluidic-chip for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) that - from samples derived from small-volume biospecimens (blood and urine) - able to provide robustness, sensitivity, specificity, and throughput for analyzing molecules.