Parabase Genomics is a molecular diagnostics company developing next generation sequencing based tests for use in neonatal and pediatric diagnostics. The firm is using next-generation sequencing technologies to help end the diagnostic odyssey for families, physicians, and researchers struggling with undiagnosed genetic diseases in children. The goal is to replace the multiple single-gene-disorder tests currently used with a single comprehensive test that will rapidly and simultaneously screen thousands of genetic disorders from neonate through adolescents. The firm currently provides whole genome, exome, and targeted panels that can be used by physicians to aid in the molecular diagnosis and medical management of patients or by researchers to explore the underlying genetic causes of disease. Goal is to improve the standard of care in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) and pediatric wards by replacing hundreds of currently used single-gene-disorder tests, which require months to run and cost tens of thousands of dollars with the LifeTime NewbornDx test. Proprietary test is a targeted sequencing panel designed by experts to simultaneously evaluate hundreds of known genetic disorders from a blood spot in 48 hours. This vast improvement in time to diagnosis leads to better therapeutic options, better patient outcomes, and lower costs due to less testing and shorter hospital stays