Phase II Amount
The proposed work focuses efforts towards producing a robust field deployable LLRF system to be integrated in the SLAC-lead Advanced Concept Compact Electron Linear-accelerator (ACCEL) program. This ongoing DARPA program aims to develop a rugged, compact and field deployable electron linac. This system architecture is based on a distributed set of compact, low voltage C-band klystrinos. which allow for integration with compact, cost-effective Stacked Blumlein-PFN modulators. The work will support the project objectives by developing a low level RF (LLRF) system, and controls necessary to validate the proof-of-concept (POC) demonstration. The fully developed LLRF will be ready to be ported into a production scalable system that is fully SWaP compliant and will consist of a complete software/firmware solution demonstrated to provide the necessary field amplitude, phase and frequency stability required for linac operation.