Company Profile

StemRD Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/25/13      CAGE: 60BK0      UEI:

Business Identifier: research reagents for stem cell research
Year Founded
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Location Information

332 Beach Road
Burlingame, CA 94010
   (650) 343-1888
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: San Mateo

Public Profile

StemRD Inc. specializes in producing premier research reagents for stem cell research with the intent to empower stem cell R&D through innovative technologies. The firm's proprietary technology in protein expression and purification has allowed efficient production of several important factors, such as WNT, Hedgehog and TGF-ß family members, that are difficult to obtain by conventional methods. Services provided include Expression in mammalian cells (transient and stable); Expression in E. coli; Protein purification (conventional and proprietary methods) The firm occupies a state-of-the-art facility that is certified by the FDA for GMP production of therapeutic peptides. The laboratories are equipped with tissue culture, cell processing, ultra-centrifuge, ultra-filtration, FPLC, HPLC and LC/MS devices. Currently, offer several highly-pure and bioactive human proteins absolutely critical for stem cell growth and differentiation. We also provide specialized contract services for producing recombinant proteins in mammalian and E. coli systems. The founders of StemRD are veterans of the biotechnology industry with proven track records in research reagents, stem cell research, drug discovery and business management. Scientific consultants and advisors are leading scientists in the field of stem cell research.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2011 1 DHA $149,998
Project Title: Technologies for Treating Cartilage Tissue Loss Following Traumatic Injury

Key People / Management

  Songzhu An

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