Wide Field of View Lensing Spatially Variant Photonic Crystals
Award last edited on: 3/23/2025

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Javier Pazos

Company Information

Heroica Technologies LLC

143 Union Boulevard Suite 900
Lakewood, CO 80228
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Jefferson

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8651-23-P-A006
Start Date: 12/9/2022    Completed: 9/12/2023
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Existing global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) can be susceptible to functional failures due to unintentional or intentional interference or “jamming”. The radio frequency (RF) bands in which GNSS function are well known and therefore adversaries have had time to mature their jamming technologies. This is but one important reason to develop alternative technologies to either replace or enhance the positioning systems currently deployed. In this effort, we will conduct a trade study considering a variety of spatially variant optical structures to function as components in imaging or alternative positioning systems operating in the infrared to visible range. The trade study will consider diffractive lenses, metalenses, Luneburg lenses, and novel spatially variant photonic crystal lenses to determine their benefits and drawbacks for use as components in imaging or alternative guidance systems. The goal is to determine which of these structures can be best optimized for low size, weight, and power (SWAP), low cost, high durability, and high manufacturability to serve as useful alternatives or enhancements to existing imaging or positioning systems.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8651-25-C-B011
Start Date: 10/17/2024    Completed: 10/16/2026
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
A lens-embedded photonic crystal (LEPC) is a new type of micro-device that supports multiple functions including focusing and imaging. The principal advantage of LEPCs over conventional refractive lenses is a significant (~1000x) reduction in size and weight. Additional advantages include a monolithic structure and the ability to tune focal length, a critical property which can be used to widen system field of view (FOV). The chief purpose of this work is to demonstrate that LEPCs can serve as ultra-light, ultra-small alternatives to bulky refractive lenses in MWIR imaging systems. This work will focus on application to small aerial platforms, where size and weight savings are significantly impactful.