Artificial Intelligence Integration Platform (AIIP)
Award last edited on: 5/1/24

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Benjamin Harvey

Company Information

Cloud Cyber Networks Operations and AI LLC

2055 L Street Nw Suite 400
Washington, VA 20036
   (904) 662-6611
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Arlington

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-23-P-0251
Start Date: 11/1/22    Completed: 2/4/23
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
To address the Air Force’s need to more rapidly employ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models against multi-domain near-peer threats, AI Squared is continuing the development of a new human-machine interface designed to integrate AI/ML derived information into existing applications so users don’t have to learn new tools. The Artificial Intelligence Integration Platform (AIIP) integrates AI/ML model results directly into end-user workflows through Reverse Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) and visualized with Augmented Analytics configured to the user's web application. This platform accelerates the project-to-prototype timeline of AI projects, reduces time, and IT costs across human-machine teaming projects, and helps deliver insights to the warfighter in challenging field environments increasing survivability and lethality. AI Squared enables users to deploy transformative AI/ML models into existing applications delivering game-changing information an order of magnitude faster and cheaper than creating stand-alone too

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-23-P-1170
Start Date: 7/20/23    Completed: 7/20/24
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Augmented Intelligence are key to helping humans and non-defense commercial organizations in industries ranging from cybersecurity to finance and marketing. Ninety percent of the world’s data was created i