Phase II Amount
DARPAs LUSTER program is currently advancing the state-of-the-art in Deep UV laser sources (220-240nm) developing the highest output power, smallest packaged laser system in the 220-240nm range. The goal of this LUSTER/PRIED-Portable Technology Demonstrator (LP-PTD) project is to develop the highest performing and smallest, Deep UV Raman standoff threat detection system. By highest performing we mean the LP-PTD will have the most powerful, field portable, Deep UV laser which will results in a Deep UV Raman system which can have the lowest Limit of Detection, longest detection range, or can detect a substance in the shortest amount of time. This LP-PTD system will contain the most mature LUSTER laser and a size & weight reduced Intensified CCD (ICCD) all packaged in a field portable system to be utilized for data collection efforts, field demonstrations, Operational Evaluations, etc. This project will leverage Alakais Portable Raman Improvised Explosive Detector (PRIED) system as its portable UV Raman system. Based on LUSTERS laser improvements, the overall system is predicted to have 60X detection improvement (Faster detection time, longer range or lower concentration).