Company Profile

Quadridox Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/25/24      CAGE: 83PJ3      UEI: J8EKVLUY96J9

Business Identifier: Novel X-ray imaging and detecting solutions
Year Founded
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Location Information

4306 Sugar Pine Lane
Durham, NC 27705
   (484) 459-1569
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Durham

Public Profile

Founded in 2018 by four university professors addressing how to transition promising, state-of-the-art tools and technologies into meaningful solutions, the Quadridox assembled team has successfully leveraged their combined expertise to innovate the process of X-ray system design and analysis. Structured around tackling the merger of physics with computation to revolutionize x-ray technology for a safer, more informed world, the team has matured to the stage of delivering the firm's first software and hardware products. Structured around the objective of erging physics with computation to revolutionize x-ray technology for a safer, more informed world., the effort has been X-ray diffraction imaging technology, x-ray simulation tools and synthetic x-ray data generation.

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Key People / Management

  Joel Greenberg

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