The broader / commercial impact of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is mass production of a standardized, large-area, silicon-based materials platform (wafer) for photonic integrated circuits. Photonics is the next step in information processing, using light signals instead of electrons. Such a materials platform is expected to revolutionize the silicon photonics market much like the introduction of silicon chips did for the microelectronics industry. The first step to successfully produce such wafers is to manage the extreme thermal stress arising from the combination of two materials (the optical material barium titanate (BaTiO3) and the silicon carrier chips) with very different rates of thermal expansion. Various processing techniques will be investigated to determine how such thermal stress can be mitigated. If successful, this new materials platform will used by telecom and data companies, and may enable new kinds of computing, such as photonic quantum computing. The total of these industries is expected to exceed $100 billion in combined market size by 2030. This STTR Phase I project will address one of the critical issues of scaling up barium titanate on silicon technology to thicker and larger area wafers. Barium titanate and silicon have very different thermal expansions and since the integration is achieved by deposition at elevated temperature, cooling causes large stresses to develop. The resulting stress may result in cracks in the film or even in shattering the wafer. Stress also affects the optical performance of the material and therefore, its management is crucial for subsequent device fabrication. The company is developing a process that mitigates this problem (e.g., programmed cooling) which will affect wafer production throughput. In addition, the company must control the direction of ferroelectric polarization, an important customer requirement for making devices. Solving these two issues is crucial to successful commercialization of this technology. Barium titanate films of thicknesses ranging from 0.2 to 2 micrometers will be integrated on silicon and subject to different thermal histories. Residual stress will be measured by x-ray diffraction and corroborated with polarized Raman spectroscopy. The resulting crystal structure, morphology, polarization distribution, and electro-optic performance will be used as metrics for determining if the thermal processing was successful. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.