The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to address the declining U.S. distributed wind turbine (DWT) market and support the transition to renewable energy sources. The DWT market has experienced a decline since 2012, mostly due to low reliability and high levelized cost of energy. However, the deployment of DWTs is crucial to meet ambitious green energy goals set by utilities and governmental agencies. This project addresses these challenges by increasing the ease of manufacturing and using readily available materials.The project will also improve an ultra-efficient load path that yields a uniquely low-cost and low-mass structure. Additionally, the proposed design achieves a larger rotor-swept-area and increases overall power extraction efficiency, making the wind turbine more efficient, lighter, and inexpensive compared to typical horizontal-axis and vertical-axis wind turbines. The value proposition for consumers is a cost savings of approximately 40% or more with respect to DWT competitors. _x000D_ _x000D_ This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a new wind power technology and provide a proof-of-concept for its viability. The project team includes experts in structural dynamics, control system design, turbine design, computer-aided engineering, power electronics and power transfer, and prototype and certification testing. In Phase I, a complete full-scale design of the DWT will be created, including detailed aeroelastic modeling, control development, and structural evaluation of the components. The research pillar of Phase I involves the creation of a rigorous aero-servo-elastic model, a detailed 3D solid model, and finite element analyses of the key components. The control system will be developed based on analytical analyses, and the team will work toward proper control specifications and constraints to be met by the dynamic system. The anticipated technical results include a refined estimate of the power coefficient, an optimized strategy for independent blade control and load reduction, improved design driving load values for the key components, decreased potential for aero-elastic instabilities and resonances, and the improved refined levelized costs of energy estimates._x000D_ _x000D_ This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.