Emerald Biostructures (AKA: deCODE biostructures~Emerald Bio~Beryllium Discovery Corp) Profile last edited on: 12/29/22
Business Identifier: Protein purification instruments and line of protein crystallography applications Is this YOUR Company?
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Location Information
7869 Ne Day Road West
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
(206) 780-8900 |
info@embios.com |
www.emeraldbiostructures.com |
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 06
County: Kitsap
Congr. District: 06
County: Kitsap
Public Profile
Originally spun-out of deCode Genetics in 2009, the following year Emerald Biostuctures a proetomics company) became part of Beyllium LLC and Medichem Research - all still remaining small and SBIR eligible. Emerald BioStructures performs protein crystallization services for a range of drug discovery organizations. The firm's fragment screening and fragment discovery services identify new chemical matter for modulating enzyme activity or protein-protein interactions. Emerald BioStructures' structural biology services informs medicinal chemists, strengthens intellectual property claims, and provides valuable insights that can be applied at any stage in the drug discovery pipeline.
Extent of SBIR involvement
Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition
Employee Range
50-74Revenue Range
5M-7.5MVC funded?
Privately HeldStock Info
----IP Holdings
5-9Awards Distribution by Agency
Most Recent SBIR Projects
Year | Phase | Agency | Total Amount | |
2011 | 1 | NIH | $99,974 | |
Project Title: Fragment Based Inhibitor Discovery Of The Mep Pathway In Infectious Organisms. |
Key People / Management
George Abe -- President
Tom Bishop -- Chief Business Officer
Peter Nollert -- Vice President, Technology & Client Solutions
Johan Pontin -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Bart Lee Staker
Erik Vogan -- Vice President, Technology & Client Solutions
Diana Wetmore -- Vice President of Business Development & Alliances
Diana Wetmore -- Vice President of Protein Services & Operations
Tom Bishop -- Chief Business Officer
Peter Nollert -- Vice President, Technology & Client Solutions
Johan Pontin -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Bart Lee Staker
Erik Vogan -- Vice President, Technology & Client Solutions
Diana Wetmore -- Vice President of Business Development & Alliances
Diana Wetmore -- Vice President of Protein Services & Operations