Methadone maintenance reduces and/or eliminates the use of opioids, reduces the death ratesand criminality associated with opioid use, and allows patients to improve their health and socialproductivity. In addition, enrollment in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) can reduce thetransmission of infectious diseases associated with opioid injection, such as hepatitis and HIV.The Computerized Oral Prescription Administration System (COPATM) device is being developedas an automated oral liquid dispensing system. COPA is specifically designed to deliver liquidoral controlled and non-controlled medications to the validated Intended User. While the need forCOPA began with an opioid epidemic with adverse consequences that have escalated in the lasttwo decades, an even more urgent need for a take-home device supporting opioid use disorder(OUD) patients emerged at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has limitedaccess to methadone maintenance therapy/treatment at opioid treatment programs in both urbanand rural sections of the US. The COPA device has a major application to at-home methadonemaintenance treatment, based upon the device's innovative dual biometric confirmation of boththe patient's fingerprint and dentition before delivery of drug. We propose to design, engineer andhuman factor test an enhanced COPA prototype and submit it for FDA De Novo approval.
Public Health Relevance Statement: NARRATIVE
The Computerized Oral Prescription Administration System (COPATM) device is being developed
as an automated oral liquid dispensing system for at-home methadone maintenance therapy
(MMT). The COPA device has a major application to at-home MMT based upon the device's
innovative dual biometric confirmation of both the patient's fingerprint and dentition before delivery
of drug to the Intended User.
Project Terms: