NP Photonics proposes to develop a compact high-power mid-wave infrared laser system by taking advantage of its substantial capability and experience in mid-wave infrared fibers and fiber lasers. The proposed mid-wave infrared laser system has the advantages of high-efficiency, high power scalability, high beam quality, and broad spectral coverage. In the Phase I program, we will investigate the feasibility and study the risk of developing a mid-wave infrared laser system based on our unique optical fibers. In Phase II, a 100-W high-power laser source covering 3.5-4.1 micron and 4.6-4.9 micron sub-bands will be developed and delivered.
Benefit: The proposed mid-wave infrared laser system can be used for various DOD applications including LADAR seekers, target illuminators, designators, target trackers, infrared counter measures, and standoff chem-bio detection. They can also be used for mid-IR optics, chemical sensing, industrial process monitoring, pollution control, material processing, and medical surgeries.
Keywords: Mid-Wave Infrared Laser, Mid-Wave Infrared Laser, Beam Combining, fiber laser, High atmosphere transparency