Microwave-Enhanced Microreactor for Ultrafast Detection of Protein Biomarkers
Award last edited on: 3/10/2023

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Principal Investigator
Xiaoli Su

Company Information

VIC Foundry Inc

535 West Research Center Boulevard Suite 135
Fayetteville, AR 72701
   (479) 571-2592

Research Institution

State University of New York

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41GM146522-01
Start Date: 9/1/2022    Completed: 8/31/2023
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
In diagnosis, risk stratification, and management of life-threatening diseases/conditions, every minute counts and unambiguous detection of many relevant protein biomarkers is crucial. Unfortunately, the workflow of current unambiguous approach-mass spectrometry-is bottlenecked by the sample preparation process. A microwave-enhanced, flow-through microreactor is proposed here for both selective capture and digestion of proteins to address this major limitation. The specific aims of this Phase I STTR are to create a prototype microreactor and to demonstrate a proof of concept of the microreactor-enabled mass spectrometry analysis of protein biomarkers. The proposed technology and product will streamline the workflow of mass spectrometry analysis of proteins, free end users from the laborious and tedious multiple sample preparation steps, and allow near real-time and unambiguous detection of protein biomarkers, as well as therapeutics, drug targets, etc.

Public Health Relevance Statement:

Project narrative:
Ultrafast and specific detection of protein biomarkers are especially crucial for risk stratification, identification, and/or management of many life-threatening diseases/conditions. The proposed microwave-enhanced microreactor technology and product will address this critical need by streamlining the workflow of sample preparation process and enabling near real-time, unambiguous mass spectrometry analysis of relevant protein biomarkers.

Project Terms:
absorption, Antibody Specificity, Buffaloes, C-reactive protein, Proteins, specific or class, C-reactive, Creatine Kinase, ADP Phosphocreatine Phosphotransferase, ATP Creatine Phosphotransferase, Creatine Kinase-B, Creatine Kinase-B Chain, Creatine Phosphokinase, Critical Illness, Critically Ill, Diagnosis, Digestion, Disease, Disorder, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, Astroprotein, GFA-Protein, GFAP, Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein, Glial Intermediate Filament Protein, Goals, Heart, Heating, Immunoassay, Infection, Interleukin-6, B cell differentiation factor, B cell stimulating factor 2, B-Cell Differentiation Factor, B-Cell Differentiation Factor-2, B-Cell Stimulatory Factor-2, BCDF, BSF-2, BSF2, HPGF, Hepatocyte-Stimulating Factor, Hybridoma Growth Factor, IFN-beta 2, IFNB2, IL-6, IL6 Protein, MGI-2, Myeloid Differentiation-Inducing Protein, Plasmacytoma Growth Factor, interferon beta 2, microwave electromagnetic radiation, Microwave Electromagnetic, Microwaves, microwave radiation, Myocardial Infarction, Cardiac infarction, Myocardial Infarct, cardiac infarct, coronary attack, coronary infarct, coronary infarction, heart attack, heart infarct, heart infarction, Myoglobin, Patents, Legal patent, Patients, Peptides, Proteins, Research, Mass Photometry/Spectrum Analysis, Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrum, Mass Spectrum Analyses, Mass Spectrum Analysis, Technology, Testing, Time, Trypsin, Tripcellim, Universities, fatty acid-binding proteins, procalcitonin, calcitonin precursor polyprotein, pro-calcitonin, Troponin I, TnI, inhibitory troponin I, cytokine, Interleukin-8, Anionic Neutrophil-Activating Peptide, Chemotactic Factor, Neutrophil, Monocyte-Derived, GCP-IL-8, Granulocyte Chemotactic Peptide-Interleukin-8, Leukocyte Adhesion Inhibitor, Lymphocyte-Derived Neutrophil-Activating Peptide, Macrophage-Derived Chemotactic Factor, Monocyte-Derived Neutrophil-Activating Peptide, Neutrophil Activating Peptide, Neutrophil Activation Factor, Neutrophil Activation Peptide, Neutrophil Chemotactic Factor, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase, Ubiquitin C-Terminal Esterase, Ubiquitin Carboxy-Terminal Esterase, Ubiquitin Carboxy-Terminal Hydrolase, Ubiquitin Thiolesterase, Tube, base, detector, Site, Acute, Clinical, Phase, Biological, biologic, Blood Serum, Serum, Therapeutic, clinical diagnosis, Inflammatory, Life, protein B, Reaction, In Situ, System, ionization, Performance, photomultiplier, antibody conjugate, (TNF)-α, Cachectin, Macrophage-Derived TNF, Monocyte-Derived TNF, TNF, TNF A, TNF Alpha, TNF-α, TNFA, TNFα, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, TNF gene, Modeling, Sampling, Immune reaction, immunoreaction, LC/MS, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, Brain Trauma, traumatic brain damage, Traumatic Brain Injury, protein aminoacid sequence, peptide aminoacid sequence, peptide sequence, acute coronary syndrome, magnetic beads, S100 Calcium Binding Protein, Address, Detection, Protein Analysis, Electrospray Ionization, Small Business Technology Transfer Research, STTR, Monitor, Preparation, Characteristics, Process, Cardiac, design, designing, Sepsis, blood infection, bloodstream infection, nano-electrospray, nanoelectrospray, Coupled, Coupling, engineering design, prototype, inflammatory marker, inflammation marker, Biological Markers, bio-markers, biologic marker, biomarker, Drug Targeting, specific biomarkers, protein biomarkers, protein markers, risk stratification, stratify risk, COVID-19 patient, COVID infected patient, COVID patient, COVID positive patient, COVID-19 infected patient, COVID-19 positive patient, COVID19 patient, COVID19 positive patient, SARS-CoV-2 infected patient, SARS-CoV-2 patient, SARS-CoV-2 positive patient, coronavirus disease 2019 infected patient, coronavirus disease 2019 patient, coronavirus disease 2019 positive patient, coronavirus disease infected patient, coronavirus disease patient, coronavirus disease positive patient, coronavirus disease-19 patient, coronavirus patient, patient infected with COVID, patient infected with COVID-19, patient infected with SARS-CoV-2, patient infected with coronavirus disease, patient infected with coronavirus disease 2019, patient infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, patient with COVID, patient with COVID-19, patient with COVID19, patient with SARS-CoV-2, patient with coronavirus disease, patient with coronavirus disease 2019, patient with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome coronavirus 2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infected patient, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 patient, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive patient, COVID-19 severity, COVID disease severity, COVID severity, COVID-19 disease severity, COVID19 disease severity, COVID19 severity, SARS-CoV-2 disease severity, SARS-CoV-2 severity, coronavirus disease 2019 disease severity, coronavirus disease 2019 severity, coronavirus disease severity, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 disease severity, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 severity, detection limit, prognostication, pilot test

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount