Multilingual Communications Technology for Cross-Language Collaboration
Award last edited on: 9/9/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Ben Lang

Company Information

Native Tech Co

555 W 5th Street Fl 35
Los Angeles, CA 90013
   (949) 216-0543
Location: Single
Congr. District: 34
County: Los Angeles

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-1269
Start Date: 4/14/2021    Completed: 7/19/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This document highlights the potential and merits of Native's multilingual messaging and translation services platform. Native's proprietary translation engine surfaces the most premium text-to-text and voice-to-text translations available, in real-time, by leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to rigorously analyze and score multiple translation inputs while enabling End Users to read and write across more than 110 of the most used languages from around the globe today.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-22-P-0683
Start Date: 3/11/2022    Completed: 3/11/2023
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In Phase II, Native Tech Co. will continue to address the Air Force’s need for cross-language communication with foreign counterparts in planning, training, and operations. To do so, Native will employ their real-time, cross-language communications infrastructure including support for seamless text-to-text and voice-to-text translation on-the-fly while enhancing the End USer experience, increasing the platform’s robustness, and providing features for large organizations to leverage the capabilities for their multilingual collaboration needs. Native executed an in-depth feasibility analysis which led to a successful Phase I. In Phase II, Native will complete the design of their collaboration prototype, conduct a series of user testing and feedback sessions, develop the application, run multiple quality assurance sprints, and train the end-users for a successful onboarding to the application. At the end of Phase II, the Native collaboration platform will reach the technology readiness level (TRL)-5. Pending Phase II final deliverable acceptance, Native will deploy a plan for necessary future development and commercialization of the platform in Phase III.