Zeer is a platform that saves audio and video (A/V) footage in an encrypted format using blockchain technology to ensure integrity and authenticity. As the video is recorded, the video frames are hashed before they leave the devices and are then stored onto the cloud. By design, blockchain is resistant to modification of data and hence is a great way confirming the validity of any data. In addition, the Zeer team has integrated voice recognition when panic/danger is detected into the application. Blockchain technology consists of a list of records called blocks. The blocks are linked together by containing the hash of the previous block while containing the data of the current block. The blocks are distributed among different nodes. It is not possible to delete existing blocks; therefore, the chain of information continues to grow. Therefore, when the recorded information is saved in a ledger it cannot be altered retroactively, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks. This allows for utmost data security. Storing valid information in the first place is one approach in tackling deep fakes. Secure and untampered data can also be used as evidence in court for sexual abuse or harassment cases.