Low Voltage, High Reliability Radiation Hardened DC-DC Converter
Award last edited on: 9/8/22

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Gregory M Bower

Company Information

QorTek Inc (AKA: EMF Technologies Inc)

5933 North Route 220 Highway
Linden, PA 17704
   (570) 322-2700
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 15
County: Lycoming

Phase I

Contract Number: HQ0860-21-C-7033
Start Date: 12/28/20    Completed: 6/30/21
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed program will result in a novel design for a Hi-Rel, rad-hard low voltage power supply that can operate off space bus as to provide on-board power conversion for processors such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Based on QorTek’s recent introduction of the custom ASIC (QT-IC-R-1101-E) rad-hard controller/modulator chip the novel dc-dc converter will be very high efficiency and will greatly increase radiation hardness in a very compact design that meets or exceeds the target radiation tolerances. The availability of the radiation tolerant QT-IC-R-1101-E and overlapping prior rad-hard converter developments will greatly reduce the cost, size, and optimize performance of the proposed multioutput converter. The program will exit Phase I with tested hardware and a clear path to demonstrate and test radiation tolerances as to result in a very commercially competitive product available to the military space community. Approved for Public Release | 20-MDA-10643 (3 Dec 20

Phase II

Contract Number: HQ0860-22-C-7116
Start Date: 2/11/22    Completed: 2/10/24
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The program addresses a central issue of developing rad-hard high power / high power density power supplies for interceptor components, specifically meeting the MDA need for new cost-effective Hi-Rel supply technology that can support NGI component higher power needs and can support legacy missile (power processor) upgrades. Centered around rad-hard ASIC technology, these power supplies will provide primary power to high power / low voltage interceptor processors and simultaneously provide low power to secondary components. The design approach emphasizes a careful trade-off between SWaP-C issues and radiation tolerance issues as to assure that the end article is very compact while also being radiation tolerant (prompt dose, SEE/SEU immunity, TID, Neutron). The design will provide high efficiency for supplying power for projected interceptor electrical loads. Phase II will undertake the design of a rad-hard high power point-of-load (POL) converter that incorporates beneficial enhancements of our rad-hard ASIC technology. This will include a RHBD cycle to incorporate these enhancements into an upgrade of the existing ASIC devices that were driven by the outcomes of the Phase I program. The resulting power modules will be capable of operating at typical battery voltages and delivering isolated low voltage (3.3V) high power (100W) outputs. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11102 (22 Mar 22)