Company Profile

Solarmer Energy Inc
Profile last edited on: 11/26/18      CAGE: 4LBT5      UEI:

Business Identifier: Development of photovoltaic and plastic solar panels
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

3445 Fletcher Avenue
El Monte, CA 91731
   (626) 456-8090
Location: Single
Congr. District: 32
County: Los Angeles

Public Profile

Solarmer Energy, Inc. is a developer of flexible, transparent plastic solar panels which generate low-cost, clean energy from the sun. Solarmer offers renewable, affordable, and portable solar energy through commercialization of plastic solar panel technology. The company initially licensed a portfolio of technology developed at UCLA and University of Chicago, and has since invested significant resources in building a world class team and setting up an R&D facility. Solarmer's headquarters are located in El Monte, CA, in a 21,000 square foot facility. The company is equipped with experts in materials science, organic and inorganic chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, and chemical engineering.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Edward Chen -- Chairman and CEO

  Woolas Sheieh -- President

  Jianhui Hou

  Vishal Shrotriya

  Yue Wu -- Director of Research and Development

  Jennifer Yu -- Executive Vice President

Company News

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