Company Profile

Starfish Space Inc
Profile last edited on: 1/13/2023      CAGE: 8F8Q5      UEI: QM7PN38M94U7

Business Identifier: Aviation and aerospace component manufacturing: building small space tug to provide on-demand in-space transportation service
Year Founded
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Location Information

26204 147th Avenue SE
Kent, WA 98042
   (505) 400-8043
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: King

Public Profile

With personnel - to include former Blue Origin and NASA engineers - working together to solve specific problems within the evolving space ecosystem, Starfish Space is a venture-backed startup addressing realization of the vision of an autonomous, sustainable infrastructure in space. The firm's assembled team are developing the Otter space tug (satellite service vehicle: key infrastructure for the future in space) designed to perform affordable satellite servicing for government and commercial customers, with missions such as life-extension in GEO and end-of-life disposal of space debris .

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Trevor Bennett -- Co-Founder

  Rachel Harris -- Robotics Engineer

  Ian Heidenberger -- Chief Engineer Director of Robotics

  Austin Link -- Co-Founder

  Michael Madrid -- Director of Strategic Relationships

  Jonathan Pomeroy

Company News

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