A DNA Methylation Test for Guiding Lung Cancer Screening
Award last edited on: 3/18/2022

Sponsored Program
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Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Robert A Philibert

Company Information

Behavioral Diagnostics Inc

15 Prospect Place
Iowa City, IA 52246
   (319) 358-8602
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Johnson

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43CA257372-01A1
Start Date: 9/1/2021    Completed: 3/31/2022
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Lung cancer kills 150,000 Americans and is responsible for 150 billion dollars of economic damage annually.The largest risk factor for lung cancer is smoking. When tobacco control efforts fail, early detection and treatmentof lung cancer offer the best hope for survival. The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) enrolled 53,454subjects who reported a cigarette history of at least 30 pack years and showed that LDCT screening prevented3 lung cancer deaths for every 1,000 screened subjects, a 16% risk reduction. However, nearly 40% of LDCTsubjects had an abnormal scan with a false discovery rate of 97%, placing many patients at risk for unnecessaryadditional radiation exposure and complications from invasive diagnostic procedures. The incorporation of DNA methylation assessments may improve the LDCT screening process byproviding a better estimate of who may benefit. In brief, the current method for evaluating whether a patientneeds LDCT, referred to as the PLCOM2012 mode, uses the often-unreliable variable of self-reported cigaretteconsumption. However, Behavioral Diagnostics has developed an epigenetic assay that objectively determinessmoking intensity. Using a similar, yet less precise quantitative PCR assay, Bojesen and colleagues studied2,576 LDCT screening-eligible smokers in the Copenhagen City Study. They found that DNA methylation statusat cg05575921 strongly predicted which smokers would benefit from LDCT screening. Indeed, in their study,this epigenetic marker of smoking outperformed the entire PLCOM2012 model in predicting cancer risk andshowed that over 20% of those who would normally qualify for LDCT screening had no prospect of benefittingfrom screening. In this R43 proposal, we will measure cg05575921 methylation in 3200 subjects from the NLST and testwhether incorporating cg05575921 methylation status into the PLCOM2012 lung cancer risk model improvesprediction. We hypothesize that DNA methylation at cg05575921 will predict lung cancer occurrence and identifya population of smokers who are unlikely to benefit from LDCT screening. This project will have high commercialimpact because it may lead to a marked decrease in unnecessary screening. The team is highly qualified. It isled by the CEO of Behavioral Diagnostics who invented the assay and the company controls all necessary IP.He will be assisted by Dr. Jeff Long, a biostatistician with an international reputation for conducting biomarkeranalyses, and a team of pulmonologists, ethicists and other scientists. It is innovative because epigeneticscreening is relatively new to cancer screening. It is feasible because the DNA and clinical information hasalready been collected. If successful, the pathway to the R44 extension, and eventually the clinic, is clear-cutbecause the assay is already manufactured under GMP conditions, the digital PCR platform is already 510Kapproved, we have collaborators have experience with the FDA submission process, and the economics drivingmarket adaption are already in place. Narrative The purpose of this application is to determine whether a simple DNA methylation test can help determine whether a smoker should undergo low dose CT screening for Lung Cancer and if this methylation test can help predict risk for cancer. Automobile Driving ; driving ; Biological Assay ; Assay ; Bioassay ; Biologic Assays ; Biomedical Engineering ; bio-engineered ; bio-engineers ; bioengineering ; Biopsy ; Blood ; Blood Reticuloendothelial System ; Cities ; Data Analyses ; Data Analysis ; data interpretation ; Cessation of life ; Death ; DNA ; Deoxyribonucleic Acid ; Economics ; Health Expenditures ; health care expenditure ; healthcare expenditure ; Goals ; Recording of previous events ; History ; Lead ; Pb element ; heavy metal Pb ; heavy metal lead ; Lung ; Lung Respiratory System ; pulmonary ; Methods ; Methylation ; Morbidity - disease rate ; Morbidity ; mortality ; Patients ; Regression Analysis ; Regression Analyses ; Regression Diagnostics ; Statistical Regression ; Risk ; Risk Factors ; Saliva ; Smoking ; Testing ; Diagnostic radiologic examination ; Conventional X-Ray ; Diagnostic Radiology ; Diagnostic X-Ray ; Diagnostic X-Ray Radiology ; Radiography ; Roentgenography ; X-Ray Imaging ; X-Ray Medical Imaging ; Xray imaging ; Xray medical imaging ; conventional Xray ; diagnostic Xray ; diagnostic Xray radiology ; Measures ; Businesses ; Ethicists ; Ethics Consultants ; Secondary to ; base ; improved ; Screening for cancer ; Cancer Screening for Patients ; early cancer detection ; lung imaging ; Pulmonary imaging ; lung scanning ; Clinical ; Medical ; Malignant neoplasm of lung ; Malignant Tumor of the Lung ; Pulmonary Cancer ; Pulmonary malignant Neoplasm ; lung cancer ; lung cancer screening ; lung cancer early detection ; Intellectual Property ; Smoker ; Diagnostic ; DNA Methylation ; Scientist ; Diagnostic Method ; Diagnostic Technique ; Diagnostic Procedure ; Scanning ; Clinic ; American ; cancer risk ; early detection ; Early Diagnosis ; experience ; Cigarette ; member ; Self-Report ; Patient Self-Report ; Reporting ; Modeling ; Sampling ; depository ; repository ; Risk Reduction ; preventing ; prevent ; Data ; International ; randomisation ; randomization ; randomly assigned ; Randomized ; American College of Radiology Imaging Network ; ACRIN ; Enrollment ; enroll ; Epigenetic Process ; Epigenetic ; Epigenetic Change ; Epigenetic Mechanism ; Smoking History ; pack years ; Process ; Behavioral ; Pathway interactions ; pathway ; tobacco control ; digital ; Population ; Consumption ; innovation ; innovate ; innovative ; Early treatment ; early therapy ; Biological Markers ; bio-markers ; biologic marker ; biomarker ; arm ; epigenetic marker ; epigenetic biomarker ; screening ; methylation testing ; Radiation exposure ; screening program ; computed tomography screening ; CT screening ; low dose computed tomography ; low dose computerized tomography ; low-dose CT ; risk prediction ; forecasting risk ;

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount