Sensors Technology: Efficient Photonic Detection of RF Signals
Award last edited on: 3/18/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Gregory S Kanter

Company Information

NuCrypt LLC

1840 Oak Avenue Suite 212s
Evanston, IL 60201
   (847) 733-8750

Research Institution

Mayo Clinic

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-0720
Start Date: 2/17/2021    Completed: 5/16/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Measuring propagating RF signals is useful for communications and for sensing of intended and unintended (adversarial) radio signals. The common high frequency receiver implementation of an antenna followed by local-oscillator driven down-conversion stage and RF-cabling can adversely impact SWAP and in some cases disrupt the very signal one wants to measure. Additionally, such systems need careful packaging to avoid generating or receiving electromagnetic interference. Optical-based RF sensors can be fully passive, primarily dielectric (almost no metal), and are entirely wired via low loss, low weight, and zero-interference fiber optical cable. No local-oscillator is needed at the remote antenna location even when transferring received carrier frequencies >100 GHz. This project will improve the sensitivity and utility of fiber-optic coupled electromagnetic receivers, allowing for instance information from many antennas to be combined and jointly analyzed for applications like angle-of-arrival measurements. The small size, weight, and power (SWAP) of the receivers allow placement in awkward locations and cost-effective, low-profile high-frequency antenna arrays. Improvements over state of the art come both from system design and advances at the component level, including high efficiency of RF-to-optical conversion, and by exploiting photonic integration. These advances will be modeled and evaluated during the project to predict the performance of example use-cases to show the feasibility and utility of the technology for both military and commercial applications.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-1501
Start Date: 8/5/2021    Completed: 11/9/2022
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Electro-optic RF antennas can enable small, passive RF sensors/antennas to be interconnected by fiber optic cable, reducing the size, weight, and power required with traditional receivers that are connected via electrical cable. Optical RF detectors are a