The spike protein (S) of SARS coronavirus 2, the pathogen responsible for COVID-19, binds angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as an entry receptor, triggering conformational changes in S that drive fusion ofthe viral envelope and host cell membrane. Infection is inhibited by neutralizing antibodies that block theACE2-binding site on S, yet escape mutations in S rapidly emerge towards monoclonal antibodies in tissueculture. Furthermore, monoclonal antibodies are generally strain specific, and many do not recognize with highaffinity both human SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, yet alone exotic bat betacoronaviruses that are a reservoirfor future outbreaks. As an alternative for biologic drug development, we have used deep mutagenesis toguide the engineering of an exceptionally broad soluble decoy receptor that binds with tight picomolar/low-nanomolar affinity to S from all bat and human SARS-associated coronaviruses tested. The engineered decoypotently neutralizes authentic SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 with an efficacy that rivals monoclonals undercommercial development, and has desirable properties for manufacture at scale. The engineered decoy alsocatalytically converts angiotensin II to vasodilatory peptide products that might directly address symptoms ofCOVID-19, providing us with a unique potential therapeutic that has dual mechanisms of action. Our proposalinvestigates whether the SARS-CoV-2 spike can mutate to escape neutralization by the engineered decoyreceptor, and addresses final optimization of the engineered protein as an IgG1-Fc fusion before advancementto an IND-enabling program. For SARS-CoV-2 to become resistant to the engineered decoy, mutations in Smust decrease affinity to the decoy while maintaining binding to human ACE2 receptors. To identify such Svariants, we have used saturation mutagenesis of the receptor-binding domain coupled with a selection fortight binding to wild type ACE2 in the presence of competing soluble decoy. Following deep sequencing, asmall number of mutations were found to be enriched, but it is unclear whether any of these mutations doindeed preferentially bind wild type ACE2 and if so, to what degree they have achieved specificity. Based onthis preliminary data, (Aim 1) we will validate whether mutations in S can be found that discriminate betweenhuman ACE2 and the engineered decoy, and characterize the variants for their affinities and expression levels.Thus far, we can conclude that possible resistance mutations appear to be very rare and generally requiremore than one nucleotide change within a codon, but further quantitative characterization is needed.Simultaneously, (Aim 2) we will rapidly optimize fusions of the engineered decoy with the Fc region of IgG1 forenhanced serum stability. Our current IgG1-fusion construct (which was based on rational, structure-guideddesign) is highly expressed, stable and binds SARS-CoV-2 S with picomolar affinity. We will finalizeoptimization of the protein by scanning suitable fusion sites between the engineered decoy and IgG1,assessing protein quality by activity, stability and expression. NARRATIVE
The receptor for SARS-CoV-2 has been engineered as a high-affinity soluble decoy that potently neutralizes
authentic virus and has broad activity against SARS-associated coronaviruses that use ACE2 as an entry
receptor. We propose to use deep mutagenesis to identify possible spike variants that may preferentially bind
wild type ACE2 rather than the engineered decoy, and as such may be a source for escape mutations and
resistance. We further propose to optimize a fusion between the engineered decoy and the Fc region of IgG1
for a serum stable biologic suitable for advancing towards an IND application. Adrenal Cortex Hormones ; Corticoids ; Corticosteroids ; Amino Acids ; aminoacid ; Angiotensin II ; AngII ; Angiotensins ; Animals ; Monoclonal Antibodies ; Clinical Treatment Moab ; mAbs ; Epitopes ; Antigenic Determinants ; Binding Determinants ; Binding Sites ; Combining Site ; Reactive Site ; Competitive Binding ; competitively bound ; Biotechnology ; Biotech ; Cell membrane ; Cytoplasmic Membrane ; Plasma Membrane ; plasmalemma ; Cells ; Cell Body ; Chiroptera ; Bats ; Codon Nucleotides ; Codon ; Dexamethasone ; Disease ; Disorder ; Disease Outbreaks ; Outbreaks ; Pharmaceutical Preparations ; Drugs ; Medication ; Pharmaceutic Preparations ; drug/agent ; Investigational Drugs ; Investigational New Drugs ; Engineering ; Flow Cytometry ; Flow Cytofluorometries ; Flow Cytofluorometry ; Flow Microfluorimetry ; Flow Microfluorometry ; flow cytophotometry ; Freeze Drying ; Freeze Dryings ; Lyophilization ; Freezing ; Future ; Half-Life ; Heart ; Human ; Modern Man ; IgG1 ; Illinois ; In Vitro ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Libraries ; Lung ; Lung Respiratory System ; pulmonary ; Molecular Conformation ; Molecular Configuration ; Molecular Stereochemistry ; conformation ; conformational state ; Mus ; Mice ; Mice Mammals ; Murine ; Mutation ; Genetic Alteration ; Genetic Change ; Genetic defect ; genome mutation ; Noise ; Nucleotides ; Patients ; Peptides ; Protein Engineering ; genetic protein engineering ; protein design ; Proteins ; Publishing ; Genetic Recombination ; DNA Recombination ; Recombination ; Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome ; ARDS ; Acute Respiratory Distress ; Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ; Adult ARDS ; Adult RDS ; Da Nang Lung ; Shock Lung ; Stiff lung ; wet lung ; Safety ; Satellite Viruses ; Associated Viruses ; Specificity ; Temperature ; Testing ; tissue culture ; Toxicology ; Universities ; Vendor ; Virus Replication ; viral multiplication ; viral replication ; virus multiplication ; Virus ; Mutagenesis ; Genetics-Mutagenesis ; Mutagenesis Molecular Biology ; Chimeric Proteins ; Chimera Protein ; Fusion Protein ; base ; Site ; Clinical ; Variant ; Variation ; Biological ; Medical ; Coronavirus ; Coronaviridae ; corona virus ; Serum ; Blood Serum ; Measurement ; lung injury ; Lung damage ; Blocking Antibodies ; Therapeutic ; programs ; Complex ; Scanning ; Clinic ; Source ; neutralizing antibody ; Viral ; mutant ; nucleoside analog ; Peptide Hormone Gene ; peptide hormone ; physical property ; Receptor Protein ; receptor ; receptor bound ; receptor binding ; Animal Models and Related Studies ; model of animal ; model organism ; Animal Model ; Structure ; Position ; Positioning Attribute ; Property ; drug development ; Genetic Differentiation ; Genetic Divergence ; Genetic Drift ; Molecular Interaction ; Binding ; SARS ; SARS coronavirus disease ; SARS-CoV disease ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV disease ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus disease ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ; SARS Virus ; SARS corona virus ; SARS-Associated Coronavirus ; SARS-CoV ; SARS-Related Coronavirus ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome corona virus ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus ; severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoV ; SARS coronavirus ; preventing ; prevent ; Polymerase ; Address ; Symptoms ; Affinity ; Data ; Mutate ; Escape Mutant ; Development ; developmental ; pandemic disease ; pandemic ; deep sequencing ; immunogenicity ; design ; designing ; older patient ; elderly patient ; Lung Inflammation ; pathogen ; neutralizing monoclonal antibodies ; neutralizing mAb ; protective effect ; Coupled ; Resistance ; resistant ; commercialization ; FDA approved ; resistance mutation ; resistant mutation ; stability testing ; Drug Targeting ; nanomolar ; nano-molar ; lead optimization ; lead candidate ; COVID-19 ; COVID19 ; CV-19 ; CV19 ; corona virus disease 2019 ; coronavirus disease 2019 ; 2019-nCoV ; 2019 novel corona virus ; 2019 novel coronavirus ; COVID-19 virus ; COVID19 virus ; CoV-2 ; CoV2 ; SARS corona virus 2 ; SARS-CoV-2 ; SARS-CoV2 ; SARS-associated corona virus 2 ; SARS-associated coronavirus 2 ; SARS-coronavirus-2 ; SARS-related corona virus 2 ; SARS-related coronavirus 2 ; SARSCoV2 ; Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome CoV 2 ; Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Corona Virus 2 ; Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Coronavirus 2 ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV 2 ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated coronavirus 2 ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related coronavirus 2 ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome associated corona virus 2 ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome related corona virus 2 ; Wuhan coronavirus ; coronavirus disease 2019 virus ; hCoV19 ; nCoV2 ; human coronavirus ; HCoV ; human CoV ; human corona virus ; remdesivir ; GS-5734 ; Veklury ; COVID-19 pandemic ; COVID crisis ; COVID epidemic ; COVID pandemic ; COVID-19 crisis ; COVID-19 epidemic ; COVID-19 global health crisis ; COVID-19 global pandemic ; COVID-19 health crisis ; COVID-19 public health crisis ; COVID19 crisis ; COVID19 epidemic ; COVID19 global health crisis ; COVID19 global pandemic ; COVID19 health crisis ; COVID19 pandemic ; COVID19 public health crisis ; SARS-CoV-2 epidemic ; SARS-CoV-2 global health crisis ; SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic ; SARS-CoV-2 pandemic ; SARS-CoV2 epidemic ; SARS-CoV2 pandemic ; SARS-coronavirus-2 epidemic ; SARS-coronavirus-2 pandemic ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV 2 epidemic ; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV 2 pandemic ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 epidemic ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic ; corona virus disease 2019 epidemic ; corona virus disease 2019 pandemic ; coronavirus disease 2019 crisis ; coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic ; coronavirus disease 2019 global health crisis ; coronavirus disease 2019 global pandemic ; coronavirus disease 2019 health crisis ; coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic ; coronavirus disease 2019 public health crisis ; coronavirus disease crisis ; coronavirus disease epidemic ; coronavirus disease pandemic ; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 global health crisis ; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 global pandemic ; COVID-19 treatment ; COVID-19 therapy ; COVID19 therapy ; COVID19 treatment ; SARS-CoV-2 therapy ; SARS-CoV-2 treatment ; coronavirus disease 2019 therapy ; coronavirus disease 2019 treatment ; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 therapy ; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 treatment ; treat COVID-19 ; treat COVID19 ; treat SARS-CoV-2 ; treat coronavirus disease 2019 ; treat severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ; betacoronavirus ; beta CoV ; beta coronavirus ; betaCoV ; β CoV ; β coronavirus ; βCoV ; ACE2 ; angiotensin converting enzyme 2 ; angiotensin converting enzyme II ; SARS-CoV-2 infection ; COVID-19 infection ; COVID19 infection ; SARS-CoV2 infection ; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection ; coronavirus disease 2019 infection ; infected with COVID-19 ; infected with COVID19 ; infected with SARS-CoV-2 ; infected with SARS-CoV2 ; infected with coronavirus disease 2019 ; infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ; zoonotic coronavirus ; zoonotic CoV ;