Lipid Receptor GPR31 as a Target for Anti-Thrombotic and Stroke Therapy
Award last edited on: 2/1/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Athan Kuliopulos

Company Information

Oasis Pharmaceuticals LLC

64 Fifer Lane
Lexington, MA 02420
   (617) 766-3915

Research Institution

Tufts Medical Center

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41HL160429-01
Start Date: 9/1/2021    Completed: 2/28/2022
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Despite prevalent use of anti-platelet and anti-lipid therapies, stroke remains the third major cause of deathand is the leading cause of adult disability in the US with an estimated cost in the range of $34 billionannually. Approximately 20% of the annual 795,000 stroke patients die within one year and 15-30% arepermanently disabled. Antiplatelet therapy is mainly used for primary prevention of acute ischemic stroke incerebrovascular disease. Bioactive fatty acids are a new class of molecular targets that hold greattherapeutic potential because of their diverse role as signaling molecules that regulate metabolism andinflammation. The oxidation of arachidonic acid by 12-LOX results in the production of a number of bioactivelipids including the metabolite 12(S)-HETE. The lipid receptor GPR31, an orphan class A GPCR, is a 12(S)-HETE receptor recently shown to be involved in inflammatory signaling. We recently discovered that GPR31mediates 12(S)-HETE prothrombotic signaling in platelets and promotes glutamate-induced oxidativetoxicity neuronal cells. Therefore, we propose that targeting GPR31 may provide a therapeutic path towardsdevelopment of a safe and effective antiplatelet therapy that is coupled with secondary neuroprotectiveeffects for mitigating against the acute neurologic sequela of stroke to provide a more effective and saferalternative option or adjunct to fibrinolytic therapy. We have recently succeeded in identifying the firsteffective GPR31 antagonist using our cell-penetrating, membrane-tethered, Pepducin technology to bevalidated in these preclinical feasibility studies as an anti-platelet and anti-stroke agent. We show here thatthis i3-loop derived GPR31 lipopeptide has potent antiplatelet activity and nearly completely suppressesarterial thrombosis without an effect on hemostasis in mice. Preliminary data with the GPR310 pepducinindicates a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesion burden in ApoE-/- mice. Furthermore, we provideevidence for a direct neuroprotective effect of the GPR310 pepducin on HT22 neuronal cells subjected toglutamate mediated oxidative stress. The goal of this Phase I STTR project is to develop the GPR310pepducin as a collaborative effort between Oasis Pharmaceuticals (Lexington, MA), Tufts Medical Center(Boston, MA) and Aronora (Portland, OR) that would provide key early milestones to advance the initialcommercial development of the first GPR31 inhibitor as a dual antiplatelet, anti-stroke drug. This feasibilitystudy would establish the scientific merit of the proposed program by accomplishing the major milestones atthe end of the 6 months of safety and efficacy in a stroke model and PK/PD correlations in two species. The only FDA-approved treatment for thrombotic stroke is tissue plasminogen activator, but it is used in less than 5% of stroke victims with no noted improvement in survival and with no direct neuroprotective effects. Here, we provide the blueprint for feasibility studies for the development of the first GPR31 inhibitor as an effective antiplatelet therapy that provides secondary neuroprotective effects for mitigating against the acute neurologic sequela of stroke for a potentially more effective and safer alternative option or adjunct to fibrinolytic therapy in this area of high unmet medical need. Adult ; 21+ years old ; Adult Human ; adulthood ; inhibitor/antagonist ; inhibitor ; Apolipoprotein E ; Apo-E ; ApoE ; Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase ; 12-Lipoxygenase ; Arachidonic Acid 12-Lipoxygenase ; Arachidonic Acids ; Atherosclerosis ; Atheroscleroses ; Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease ; atheromatosis ; atherosclerotic disease ; atherosclerotic vascular disease ; Biological Availability ; Bioavailability ; Biologic Availability ; Physiologic Availability ; Blood Platelets ; Marrow platelet ; Platelets ; Thrombocytes ; Boston ; Calcium ; Cause of Death ; Cell Death ; necrocytosis ; Cells ; Cell Body ; Cerebrovascular Disorders ; Brain Vascular Disorders ; Cerebrovascular Disease ; Intracranial Vascular Diseases ; Intracranial Vascular Disorders ; brain vascular disease ; brain vascular dysfunction ; cerebral vascular disease ; cerebral vascular dysfunction ; cerebrovascular dysfunction ; intracranial vascular dysfunction ; Diet ; diets ; Pharmaceutical Preparations ; Drugs ; Medication ; Pharmaceutic Preparations ; drug/agent ; Enzymes ; Enzyme Gene ; Fatty Acids ; Arterial Fatty Streak ; Arterial Fatty Streaks ; Atheroma ; Atheromatous ; Atheromatous degeneration ; Atheromatous plaque ; atherosclerosis plaque ; atherosclerotic lesions ; atherosclerotic plaque ; vulnerable plaque ; Feasibility Studies ; Free Radicals ; Glucose ; D-Glucose ; Dextrose ; Glutamates ; L-Glutamate ; glutamatergic ; Goals ; Disabled Persons ; Disabled Population ; Handicapped ; People with Disabilities ; Persons with Disabilities ; disabled ; disabled individual ; disabled people ; individuals with disabilities ; Hemorrhage ; Bleeding ; blood loss ; Hemostatic function ; Hemostasis ; Human ; Modern Man ; Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acids ; HETE ; Hypertension ; Vascular Hypertensive Disease ; Vascular Hypertensive Disorder ; high blood pressure ; hyperpiesia ; hyperpiesis ; hypertensive disease ; Infarction ; infarct ; Inflammation ; Lipids ; Metabolism ; Intermediary Metabolism ; Metabolic Processes ; Mus ; Mice ; Mice Mammals ; Murine ; Neurons ; Nerve Cells ; Nerve Unit ; Neural Cell ; Neurocyte ; neuronal ; Oregon ; oxidation ; Oxygen ; O element ; O2 element ; Papio ; Baboons ; Papios ; Savanna Baboons ; Alteplase ; Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator ; T-Plasminogen Activator ; Tissue Activator D-44 ; Tissue Plasminogen Activator ; Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator ; t-PA ; Platelet Activation ; Primary Prevention ; Production ; Prostate ; Prostate Gland ; Prostatic Gland ; Risk Factors ; Rodent ; Rodentia ; Rodents Mammals ; Role ; social role ; Safety ; Signal Transduction ; Cell Communication and Signaling ; Cell Signaling ; Intracellular Communication and Signaling ; Signal Transduction Systems ; Signaling ; biological signal transduction ; Stroke ; Apoplexy ; Brain Vascular Accident ; Cerebral Stroke ; Cerebrovascular Apoplexy ; Cerebrovascular Stroke ; brain attack ; cerebral vascular accident ; cerebrovascular accident ; Technology ; Testing ; Thrombolytic Therapy ; Fibrinolytic Therapy ; Therapeutic Thrombolysis ; Thrombosis ; thrombotic disease ; thrombotic disorder ; Time ; Tissues ; Body Tissues ; Toxicology ; Glutamate Receptor ; GTP-Binding Proteins ; G-Proteins ; GTP-Regulatory Proteins ; Guanine Nucleotide Coupling Protein ; Guanine Nucleotide Regulatory Proteins ; Mediating ; Intracranial Hemorrhages ; Apoptosis ; Apoptosis Pathway ; Programmed Cell Death ; Area ; Acute ; Phase ; Physiological ; Physiologic ; Medical ; Neurologic ; Neurological ; Series ; Lesion ; disability ; nonhuman primate ; non-human primate ; Thrombotic Stroke ; Orphan ; Oxidative Stress ; Phase II Clinical Trials ; Phase 2 Clinical Trials ; phase II protocol ; Therapeutic ; Inflammatory ; programs ; subdermal ; subcutaneous ; Medical center ; membrane structure ; Membrane ; Receptor Protein ; receptor ; nerve cell death ; nerve cell loss ; neuron cell death ; neuron cell loss ; neuron death ; neuronal cell death ; neuronal cell loss ; neuronal death ; neuronal loss ; neuron loss ; Animal Models and Related Studies ; model of animal ; model organism ; Animal Model ; Toxicities ; Toxic effect ; G Protein-Complex Receptor ; G Protein-Coupled Receptor Genes ; GPCR ; G-Protein-Coupled Receptors ; Reporting ; acute cerebrovascular accident ; acute stroke ; Pharmacodynamics ; Modeling ; stroke treatment ; treating stroke ; stroke therapy ; Adverse effects ; Intervention Strategies ; interventional strategy ; Intervention ; Ischemic Stroke ; Pharmaceutical Agent ; Pharmaceuticals ; Pharmacological Substance ; Pharmacologic Substance ; G protein-coupled receptor 31 ; GPR31 receptor ; LOX ; LOX gene ; CF2R ; F2R ; PAR1 ; F2R gene ; Dose ; Symptoms ; Data ; Molecular Target ; in vivo ; Signaling Molecule ; Small Business Technology Transfer Research ; STTR ; Pathologic ; Coronary ; Development ; developmental ; Brain Edema ; Brain Swelling ; Intracranial Edema ; wet brain ; Pathway interactions ; pathway ; pre-clinical ; preclinical ; post stroke ; after stroke ; poststroke ; protective effect ; Coupled ; neurotoxicity ; neuron toxicity ; neuronal toxicity ; mouse model ; murine model ; FDA approved ; Formulation ; recruit ; stroke patient ; stroke victims ; stroke model ; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics ; PK/PD ; ischemic injury ; ischemia injury ; cost estimate ; cost estimation ;

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R42HL160429-02
Start Date: 2/1/2023    Completed: 1/31/2025
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Despite prevalent use of anti-platelet and anti-lipid therapies, stroke remains the third major cause of deathand is the leading cause of adult disability in the US with an estimated cost in the range of $34 billionannually. Approximately 20% of the annual 795,000 stroke patients die within one year and 15-30% arepermanently disabled. Antiplatelet therapy is mainly used for primary prevention of acute ischemic stroke incerebrovascular disease. Bioactive fatty acids are a new class of molecular targets that hold greattherapeutic potential because of their diverse role as signaling molecules that regulate metabolism andinflammation. The oxidation of arachidonic acid by 12-LOX results in the production of a number of bioactivelipids including the metabolite 12(S)-HETE. The lipid receptor GPR31, an orphan class A GPCR, is a 12(S)-HETE receptor recently shown to be involved in inflammatory signaling. We recently discovered that GPR31mediates 12(S)-HETE prothrombotic signaling in platelets and promotes glutamate-induced oxidativetoxicity in neuronal cells. Therefore, we propose that targeting GPR31 may provide a therapeutic pathtowards development of a safe and effective antiplatelet therapy that is coupled with secondaryneuroprotective effects for mitigating against the acute neurologic sequela of stroke to provide a moreeffective and safer alternative option or adjunct to fibrinolytic therapy. We have recently succeeded inidentifying the first effective GPR31 antagonist using our cell-penetrating, membrane-tethered, Pepducintechnology to be validated in these preclinical IND-enabling studies as an anti-platelet and anti-strokeagent. We show here that this i3-loop derived GPR31 lipopeptide has potent antiplatelet activity and nearlycompletely suppresses arterial thrombosis without an effect on hemostasis in mice. Preliminary data withthe GPR310 pepducin shows a highly significant reduction in stroke infarct area in mice similar to theprotective effect of Gpr31-deficiency. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a direct neuroprotective effect ofthe GPR310 pepducin on HT22 neuronal cells subjected to glutamate mediated oxidative stress. The goalof this Phase 2 STTR project is to develop the GPR310 pepducin as a collaborative effort between OasisPharmaceuticals (Lexington, MA), Tufts Medical Center (Boston, MA) that would provide a robust IND datapackage required to advance the initial commercial development of the first GPR31 inhibitor as a dualantiplatelet, anti-stroke drug. This drug development program would establish the scientific merit of theGPR31 target by accomplishing the major milestones at the end of 2 years of GLP safety/pharmacologyand efficacy in stroke models ± thrombolytic therapy to support a Phase I first-in-human clinical trial.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
The only FDA-approved treatment for thrombotic stroke is tissue plasminogen activator, but it is used in less than 5% of stroke victims with no noted improvement in survival and with no direct neuroprotective effects. Here, we provide a blueprint for developing the first GPR31 inhibitor as an effective antiplatelet therapy that provides secondary neuroprotective effects for mitigating against the acute neurologic sequela of stroke for a potentially more effective and safer alternative option or adjunct to fibrinolytic therapy in this area of high unmet medical need.

Project Terms:
<21+ years old><12-Lipoxygenase>