The long-term goal of this project proposal is to develop and commercialize a therapy to assist pre-term, and term infants with hypoxic ischemic brain injury (HIE), with feeding difficulty. Independent feeding is critical for infants to be discharged home with their families and avoid agastrostomy tube (G-tube) placement. The current standard of care for infants with feeding difficulty involves early oromotor stimulation and feeding with therapists once daily for safe feeding. Technologies on the market possess diagnostic capabilities that allow clinicians to monitor feeding parameters, but no technologies actively improve oral feeding for discharge. Our team previously initiated a first-in-infants pilot study in which we paired transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) stimulation with bottle feeding to enhance motor learning of feeding in preterm or term HIE infants, who were failing oral feeds. taVNS is a non-invasive form of vagus nerve stimulation, which facilitates activity-dependent neuroplasticity. During this pilot trial, our team developed custom open and closed-loop taVNS-paired feedingsystems to test initial efficacy. Preliminary data shows no significant adverse effects in the 27 patients treated with this novel therapy. Also 50% of infants achieved full oral feeds in 2 weeks when they would have received a G-tube. For further clinical trial testing and commercialization,we need to create a less expensive and compact set-up that is easier to use.In this Phase I application, we propose the development of our Baby Strong taVNS bottlefeeding system, with subsequent validation in a small-scale safety and efficacy study. Thefindings from this proposal will support our hypothesis that taVNS paired feedings will improve daily feeding volumes for this vulnerable population and position us for a phase II randomized controlled trial. Project Narrative Independent feeding is critical for pre-term, and term infants with hypoxic ischemic brain injury (HIE), in order to be discharged home with their families and avoid a gastrostomy tube (G-tube) placement. The proposed study will employ a novel taVNS-paired bottle system to improve oral feedings in this critical population. Feeds ; Data ; Motor ; Reproducibility ; Clinical Data ; Clinical Treatment ; trial regimen ; trial treatment ; Validation ; Wireless Technology ; wireless ; Monitor ; Development ; developmental ; Neurodevelopmental Disorder ; Neurological Development Disorder ; active method ; active technique ; active treatment ; safety study ; pilot trial ; post stroke ; after stroke ; poststroke ; cost ; feeding ; computerized ; design ; designing ; vagus nerve stimulation ; Outcome ; Population ; Stress Tests ; motor learning ; locomotor learning ; novel therapeutics ; new drug treatments ; new drugs ; new therapeutics ; new therapy ; next generation therapeutics ; novel drug treatments ; novel drugs ; novel therapy ; volunteer ; prototype ; commercialization ; high risk ; standard of care ; Multicenter Neonatal Research Network ; Multi-center Neonatal Research Network ; Neonatal Research Network ; Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury ; efficacy study ; translational scientist ; translational investigator ; translational researcher ; care providers ; primary care provider ; Home ; Adult ; 21+ years old ; Adult Human ; adulthood ; Behavior Therapy ; Behavior Conditioning Therapy ; Behavior Modification ; Behavior Treatment ; Behavioral Conditioning Therapy ; Behavioral Modification ; Behavioral Therapy ; Behavioral Treatment ; Conditioning Therapy ; behavior intervention ; behavioral intervention ; Bottle feeding ; Bottlefeeding ; bottle fed ; bottlefed ; Cerebral Palsy ; Clinical Trials ; Deglutition ; Swallowing ; Ear ; Electric Stimulation ; Electrical Stimulation ; electrostimulation ; Electrodes ; Family ; Feedback ; Gastrostomy ; Goals ; Heart Rate ; Cardiac Chronotropism ; Hospitalization ; Hospital Admission ; Infant ; Infant Care ; baby care ; infant health care ; infant healthcare ; newborn care ; Premature Infant ; infants born premature ; infants born prematurely ; premature baby ; premature infant human ; preterm baby ; preterm infant ; preterm infant human ; Learning ; Length of Stay ; Number of Days in Hospital ; hospital days ; hospital length of stay ; hospital stay ; Mentors ; Neuronal Plasticity ; CNS plasticity ; central nervous system plasticity ; neural plasticity ; neuroplastic ; neuroplasticity ; Nurses ; nurse ; nutrition ; Pain ; Painful ; Parents ; Patients ; Pilot Projects ; pilot study ; Pregnancy ; Gestation ; Risk ; Safety ; South Carolina ; Technology ; Testing ; Time ; Universities ; Measures ; Developmental Delay Disorders ; Developmental Delay ; Specific Child Development Disorders ; GTP-Binding Protein alpha Subunits, Gs ; G(s), alpha Subunit ; G(s), α Subunit ; G(s)alpha ; G(s)α ; GTP-Binding Protein α Subunits, Gs ; Gs alpha Family G-Protein ; Gsα ; Gαs ; Regulatory Ns Protein ; Stimulatory Gs G-Protein ; alpha Subunit Stimulatory GTP-Binding Protein ; alpha-Gs ; α-Gs ; Blinded ; Custom ; Tube ; base ; improved ; Clinical ; Phase ; Medical ; Hospital Costs ; Hospitalization cost ; Oral cavity ; Buccal Cavity ; Buccal Cavity Head and Neck ; Cavitas Oris ; Mouth ; Failure ; sucking ; Crossover Design ; Cross-Over Designs ; analog ; Brain Injuries ; Acquired brain injury ; brain damage ; brain-injured ; Randomized Controlled Trials ; Diagnostic ; programs ; Pulse ; Physiologic pulse ; Bradycardia ; Complex ; Oral ; Treatment Period ; treatment days ; treatment duration ; Sensory ; System ; Co-ordination disorder ; Coordination Disorder ; Dyscoordination ; Incoordination ; Lack of Coordination ; Abnormal coordination ; success ; neural control ; neural regulation ; neuromodulation ; neuromodulatory ; neuroregulation ; treatment planning ; novel ; substantia alba ; white matter ; Devices ; Position ; Positioning Attribute ; portability ; Adverse effects ; Intervention Strategies ; interventional strategy ; Intervention ; Manufacturer ; Manufacturer Name ; vulnerable group ; Vulnerable Populations ; DWI (diffusion weighted imaging) ; DWI-MRI ; Diffusion MRI ; Diffusion Weighted MRI ; Diffusion weighted imaging ; Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; dMRI ; diffusion tensor imaging ; Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging ;