Phase II Amount
Measuring molecular interactions of proteins are critical for understanding protein functions and cellularprocesses, for discovery and validating biomarkers, and for developing and screening drugs. In particular,membrane proteins play key roles in many cellular functions and are the largest class of drug targets. Mostpopular methods for measuring membrane protein interaction kinetics involves extraction and purification ofmembrane proteins and stabilizing the proteins in an artificial lipid environment, which is not only time consumingand labor intensive, but also may introduce bias due to the loss of the native cellular microenvironment. We proposed to develop critical angle reflection imaging (CARi) as a breakthrough technology for in-situ cell-based studies of membrane protein binding interaction kinetics to advance the field of biomarker discovery anddrug development. CARi builds upon surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi), acquiring many of its uniqueadvantages, but overcoming many of its limitations. CARi uses an optical configuration similar to SPRi thatmeasures light reflected from below the sensing surface, which is sensitive to molecular bindings inducedrefractive index changes above the sensing surface. This enables CARi to detect molecular interaction label-free and in real-time. However, unlike SPRi, CARi exhibits several distinct technological advances, including a~10 times greater sensitivity, ~100 times greater vertical detection range for measuring entire cell surfaces,simultaneous fluorescence compatibility for orthogonal validation, broader wavelength of light selection,convenient use of glass-based surface chemistries, and simple low-cost glass sensor chips. In this fast-track STTR project, Biosensing Instrument Inc. (BI) will work with the inventor of CARi technologyat Arizona State University to develop a commercial prototype multi-functional CARi instrument that can performCARi, SPRi, and fluorescence imaging. We will also collaborate with potential customers in biomedical researchand pharmaceutical industries to validate CARi performance and develop key applications. The success of this project will enable ultra-high sensitivity for label-free kinetic quantification of smallmolecule interactions on membrane proteins with single-cell resolution and permit simultaneous fluorescenceimaging for orthogonal validation. This powerful capability of label-free in-situ cell-based kinetic binding analysisis greatly needed for expediting biomarker discovery, disease diagnosis and drug screening.
Public Health Relevance Statement: PROJECT NARRATIVE Critical angle reflection imaging (CARi) technology will be developed for label-free quantification of molecular interaction kinetics. This technology is uniquely suitable for in-situ measurement of binding kinetics of membrane proteins on the cell surface with single cell resolution and is compatible with surface plasmon resonance imaging and fluorescence imaging. CARi will have a large impact on biomedical research of cellular processes, discovery of biomarkers, and screening of drug candidates.
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