Company Profile

Supertech Labs Inc (AKA: Super tech Labs Inc)
Profile last edited on: 5/18/2022      CAGE: 8H2X7      UEI: SP35VULTJ4N4

Business Identifier: Software to accelerate quantum computing
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

1720 South Michigan Avenue Unit 1001
Chicago, IL 60616
   (301) 873-5163
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Cook

Public Profile

Spun out of research from University Chicago and incubated through Argonne National Laboratory’s Chain Reaction Innovations program, is a quantum software startup structured around closing the gap from near-term quantum computers to practical applications in industries such as energy and finance.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 2 DOE $1,899,728
Project Title: Increased Reliability for Near-Term Quantum Computers via Low-Level Control
2021 1 NSF $256,000
Project Title: End-to-End Compilation of Quantum Applications

Key People / Management

  Pranav Gokhale -- CEO and Co-founder

  Fred Chong -- Co-Founder & Chief Scientist

  Emily Creedon -- Head of Growth

  Stephanie Lee -- Business Development Associate

  David Owusu-Antwi -- Software Engineer

  Michael Perlin -- Theoretical physics, quantum information science

  Rich Rines -- Quantum circuits & simulation

  Teague Tomesh -- Quantum Software Engineer

Company News

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