Creating high-quality, lower-cost soil maps using machine learning algorithms
Award last edited on: 12/21/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Yones Khaledian

Company Information

SoilSerdem LLC

3219 Roy Key Avenue
Ames, IA 50010
   (515) 294-3619
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Story

Phase I

Contract Number: 2051852
Start Date: 5/1/2021    Completed: 3/31/2022
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The broader impact/ commercial potential of this SBIR Phase I project will be to produce high-quality, accurate, high-resolution soil maps for agronomists and farmers. Accurate soil information is a fundamental driver of better, more efficient crop/soil management. The new technology would significantly increase farm profitability, lower food costs, and improve environmental protection and sustainability. Making higher quality soil fertility mapping readily available and usable is the goal of this project. This technology is expected to result in increased crop yield while allowing for decreased input costs, leading to higher profits in an industry that chronically suffers from low profit margins. The expected benefits include more environmentally responsible farm management and better manure-management planning, nutrient-management planning, precision farming, land use planning, planting decisions, evaluating stressors on plants, field conditioning, crop rotation, and prediction/interpretation of yields. These will result in increased farm profitability, more efficient application of nitrogen fertilizers, and increased soil health and fertility for plants. This project advances an innovative technology has three key components to produce maps of essential soil nutrients in training fields and beyond — maps that currently require extensive sampling while producing inadequate data. The first is a digital hill-slope position to select optimal sampling locations to represent the soil variability across the landscape, eliminating the need to take unnecessary soil samples. The second element leverages advanced machine-learning algorithms insensitive to the quantity of sample size. The third element is its ability to select suitable remotely sensed information (terrain derivatives and satellite imagery). The technology will select appropriate analysis scales of terrain derivatives to capture all potential soil variability. It will then select and use proper bands of satellite imagery, based on spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, to decrease the risks of overfitting and computation time. Unlike currently available methods, this technology can predict the soil nutrients inside the training fields and beyond — i.e., this technology has the potential to predict soil properties in neighboring fields — using the soil information obtained from training fields—without the need for additional samples.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Phase II

Contract Number: 2304081
Start Date: 8/15/2023    Completed: 7/31/2025
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be to produce high-quality (accurate/high-resolution) soil maps for agronomists and farmers at scale. Accurate soil information is a fundamental driver of better, more-efficient crop/soil management. This new branch of technology will deliver developed map products across various cropping systems that exist in the continental U.S., intersecting economic and environmental sustainability. Making site-specific soil fertility mapping information accessible to a diversity of land stewards is the goal of this project. Expected outcomes include more environmentally responsible farm management and manure and nutrient-management planning, precision farming, land use planning, planting decisions, evaluating stressors on plants, field conditioning, crop rotation, and prediction/interpretation of yields. Other benefits are increased farm profitability and increased soil health. This technology will result in increased crop yield while allowing for decreased input costs, leading to higher profitability in an industry that chronically suffers from low profit margins. The anticipated project outcomes meet NSF goals by advancing science, improving the lives and health of U.S. citizens, and potentially generating increased tax revenues and jobs via increased farm success.This innovative technology has three components that differentiate it from the best current technologies used to produce maps of essential soil nutrients. The first is applying generalized landscape quantification to drive optimal soil sample collection accommodating landscape variability, thereby eliminating the need to collect unnecessary soil samples. The second component leverages advanced machine-learning algorithms that are able to use the small number of uniquely collected soil samples to produce accurate predictions. Finally, the technology is a transferable model that does not necessitate additional hardware to achieve its results. As envisioned, this technology can select appropriate covariate mosaics to capture relevant soil variability irrespective of cropping system and management practices. The scope of this project will be beneficial to row cropping system across the U.S., specifically targeting corn-soy, potatoes, wheat, and cotton production. Unlike currently available methods that produce inadequate data for challenging (cost-prohibitive) mapping targets, this new technology will render those targets accessible and cost-effective with reliable accuracies.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.