Company Profile

TAO Treasures LLC (AKA: Nanobiofab)
Profile last edited on: 11/17/2021      CAGE: 7T6V7      UEI: E1Y9Z246LAU8

Business Identifier: High throughput technology services to accelerate nanomaterial R&D
Year Founded
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Location Information

4539 Metropolitan Court
Frederick, MD 21704
   (805) 452-6498
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Frederick

Public Profile

Tao Treasures, LLC (dba Nanobiofab) organizes around high-throughput nano-printing technology and solutions with a particular focus on R&D in the arena of nanomaterials. The effortn this arenais enable cost-effective innovations for new sensor products and to reduce time toacgievement of actual use-condition. Effectively achieved, these factors would allow those using Nanobiofab capabities to achieve and maintain their competiative edge. The firm also provides artificial intelligence (AI)-driven smart sensors for telemedicine and personalized healthcare. NanoBioFAB employs unique patented technology to ultra-fast high-throughput3D nano-print and screen nanosensors that can accurately detect tiny amounts of gases that emanate from one’s skin and breath, as well as measure pressure, temperature, and humidity. With the coming 5G era, NanoBioFAB’s smart sensor will enable more effective personal health management.

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Less than .5M
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Privately Held
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Key People / Management

  Xiaonao Liu

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