Company Profile

Profile last edited on: 11/10/23      CAGE: 80JZ9      UEI: QTN9TJM2E4H7

Business Identifier: Mobile app giving athletes and coaches access to a cognitive assessment aid right on sideline
Year Founded
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Location Information

420 Misison Bay Boulevard North #1401
San Francisco, CA 94158
   (650) 269-6100
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: San Francisco

Public Profile

Focused overall on the potential for brain health/damage caused - for example - by impact conditions during football games the firm HHITT Inc offers among their developed products a mobile TBI assessment tool - a hand-held Head Injury Treatment Tool: providing fast, easy and personalized cognitive assessments, anywhere someone may play or practice with. The firm HitCheck product is a mobile app structured such as to provide personalized cognitive assessment and recovery tracking for concussion screening. The app measures 9 cognitive functions through a series of mobile brain games to indicate the likelihood of concussions.

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Key People / Management

  Mike Piha -- Co-Founder and CEO

  Brian Jian -- Chief Medical Officer

Company News

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