For several decades Shock Tech has been designing, manufacturing and test shock attenuation and vibration isolation systems for the most demanding environments, providing solutions for equipments dynamic protection problems. Since soon after the firm was founded in 1990, Shock Tech personel have worked in the space of isolation technologies and solutions used in harsh in- service conditions providing shock and vibration isolation solutions by the most prestigious and demanding companies in the aerospace and defense industry. The firm;s staff include accomplished engineer executives and managers with multiple decades of combined experience in shock and vibration mount design on which clients can deend. Principals can work with client on modification to an existing systemor a completely new designin a variety of materials and applications. Experts in design of custom elastomer, wire rope and metal-mesh isolators, principals can analyze and select mounting systems for the client's application in concert with providing innovative mechanical packaging to aid in installation and optimize isolation, attenuation and damping performance of existing equipment mounting system.