Originally named RPN Reesarch, BioElectroMed was acquired by Pulse Biosciences on November 2014. The transaction appears also to have involved two other small firms - ThelioPulse & NanoBlate. In May 2016, Pulse Biosciences successful completed an IPO putting the firm on NASDAQ (PLSE). Building out on technology deeloped at Old Dominionand Universityof Southern California, Pulse Biosciences, Inc. is a clinical-stage medical device company using a platform technology called Nano-Pulse stimulating (NPS). NPS is a non-thermal, precise, focal drug-free electroceutical treatment technology that initiates cell deat. NPS provides treatment in a range of immuno-oncology, dermatology and aesthetic applications offering treatment for minimally invasive applications, such as cardiac ablation, lung disease, Barret's esophagus, thyroid nodules, and ear, nose and throat (ENT) papillomas. The Company is developing PulseTx system (PulseTx), a system for the delivery of NPS treatments. The PulseTx system delivers NPS pulses through its tunable pulse generator and its planned suite of electrodes. The PulseTx system pulses are applied directly to tissue through electrodes, creating transient nanometer pores in cell and organelle membranes.