Previously dba as Valley Fever Therapies, Valley Fever Solutions, Inc. (VFS, an Arizona corporation), is developing Nikkomycin Z (NikZ) as a dramatically superior potential cure for Valley Fever. VF is a painful and debilitating orphan disease causing annually over 2,000 serious cases, 9K hospitalizations, and 150 deaths. About 60,000 people are sickened each year, suffering for months. Victims with more serious cases suffer for years. Each year, another 1,000 patients have serious disease - with no therapeutic options, as the current drugs do not work for them. Collectively, the market for antifungals across a spectrum of disease organisms generally simlar to cocci approaches $1B. Broadly, worldwide antifungal sales exceed $12B. NikZ for Valley Fever, the firm's first indication, has Orphan Product designation. In 2014 the GAIN Act QIDP designation was added. These provide for 7 and 5 years sequential market exclusivity after marketing approval. The firm's Phase I results were very promising and patents are being pursued for the manufacturing process for NikZ.