Functional Engineering of a Photosynthetic Desalination Pump Circuit
Award last edited on: 7/6/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
June Medford

Company Information

Phytodetectors Inc (AKA: Kerbs Enetrprises and Phytodetectors Inc)

6509 Cottonwood Shores Drive
Wellington, CO 80549
   (970) 797-0458

Research Institution

Colorado State University

Phase I

Contract Number: DE-AR0001247
Start Date: 5/1/2020    Completed: 4/30/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Phytodetectors will design and engineer a synthetic biological pump circuit to increase the volume of water produced via photosynthetic desalination. This project builds off previous technology designed by Phytodetectors: a mangrove-inspired ultra-filter that allows plants to purify salt water as well as secrete water with properties comparable to bottled water. The partnership seeks to demonstrate the commercial viability of photosynthetic desalination.

Phase II

Contract Number: DE-AR0001247
Start Date: 9/9/2021    Completed: 3/29/2022
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Phytodetectors will design and engineer a synthetic biological pump circuit to increase the volume of water produced via photosynthetic desalination. This project builds off previous technology designed by Phytodetectors: a mangrove-inspired ultra-filter that allows plants to purify salt water as well as secrete water with properties comparable to bottled water. The partnership seeks to demonstrate the commercial viability of photosynthetic desalination.