Company Profile

Enrich Therapeutics Inc
Profile last edited on: 9/21/2022      CAGE: 86RU0      UEI: M6XYEESK8AS8

Business Identifier: LASUM (LCD aided selection under microscope) : desk-top single cell isolator
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Location Information

100 Barber Avenue
Worcester, MA 01606
   (203) 815-0259
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Worcester

Public Profile

With facilities also in Groton CT, Enrich Therapeutics is organized around development of a novel, single live-cell isolation platform. Explicitly designed to be different from existing flow/fluidics based technologies, the firm's platform can work on adherent cells as well as all non-ideal cell samples, i.e. even partially digested, clumpy or less plentiful samples, the Enrich system allows it to be captured alive. Basically, if you can see it under a microscope, we can capture it alive! The Enrich objective is to provide a game-changing life-science tool to single cell researchers worldwide where significant improvement of scalability and affordability in many applications -- antibody drug discovery, NGS and adoptive cell therapy development -- is important. The firm's patented LASUM -- LCD aided selection under microscope -- technology uses software to increase the accuracy of pin-pointing the location of the cell versus relaince on high-cost hardware setup. Using the Enrich approach, Isolation of the single cell is easy and cell viability of the cell. The firm's single cell isolation technology works with uspension cells, adherent cells and non-ideal tissue cell samples.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 1 NIH $399,761
Project Title: Advanced Sample Processing Platforms for Downstream Single-Cell Multi-Omic Analysis
2021 2 NIH $1,863,500
Project Title: Single Clone Discovery Using an Image-Based Cell Isolation Platform

Key People / Management

  Qi Zhao

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