Open Call for Innovative Defense-Related Dual-Purpose Technologies/Solutions with a Clear Air Force Stakeholder Need
Award last edited on: 1/15/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jared Butlin

Company Information

Swift Textile Metalizing LLC

23 Britton Drive
Bloomfield, CT 06002
   (860) 243-1122
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Hartford

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8751-19-P-A108
Start Date: 3/6/2019    Completed: 6/4/2019
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
An auxetic material is defined as having a negative Poissons ratio, whereby a counter intuitive effect is observed. During elongation the material expands perpendicular to the plane of elongation resulting in a compensatory effect for the necking phenomenon typically observed at the midpoint of the fabric. A conductive auxetic fabric may be produced which can exhibit electrical resistance stability during elongation.Swift Textile Metalizing (STM) commercially produces a wide range of metallized, highly conductive fabrics for use in commercial and defense applications, including lightning strike protection (LSP) and as magnetic resonant absorbers (MRA). By combining the auxetic properties with STMs metalizing process, an improvement in LSP and MRA performance may be observed through increased stability of the fabric's electrical resistance.conductive fabric,Auxetic,Conductive,textile,magnetic resonant absorber,lightning strike protection,

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-19-C-A007
Start Date: 8/12/2019    Completed: 8/12/2020
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
An auxetic material is defined as having a negative Poisson's ratio, whereby a counter intuitive effect is observed during elongation. When strained the material expands perpendicular to the plane of elongation resulting in a compensatory effect for the "necking" phenomenon typically observed at the midpoint of the fabric. An electrically conductive auxetic fabric may be produced which can exhibit electrical resistance stability during elongation by taking advantage of this phenomenon.