MODEL is a unique capability offering rapid visualization combined with a user-defined persistent analytics engine that is completely automated, customizable, and capable of handling any data set, stream, and file at any size/cadence. MODEL utilizes a one-of-a-kind "above the code base' technology that allows rapid customizations in classified environments without recompiling or affecting RMF approvals-in many cases from operator requirements to deployment in hours or days. Our MODEL framework provides a unique set of automation tools and customizable rulesets, both alerting the operator and monitoring critical complex situations-completely user configurable, with seamless rapid setup (often <1min). Our corporate experience, user experience, and proven technologies include: "¢ The ability to access, fuse, and analyze multiple data streams into meaningful situational awareness (SA) along decision-centered support spaces that are focused on operational workflows "¢ Features to aggregate, orchestrate, and visualize mission status from high (summary level) to low (data/analyst level) "¢ Tools to create automation along every potential workflow step to gather data, conduct machine analysis, alert, and cue warfighter to optimize operations "¢ A corporate legacy of evaluating and interacting with Air Force operators/missions and then tailoring customized visualizations and Common Operational Pictures (COPs)-vastly improving operations with minimal costs