Highly Integrated and Adaptable Spacecraft for Multi-Payload Applications
Award last edited on: 1/13/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Derek Surka

Company Information

Novi LLC

2800 Shirlington Road
Arlington, VA 22206
   (202) 213-2846
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Arlington

Phase I

Contract Number: FA9453-19-P-0524
Start Date: 11/20/2018    Completed: 11/20/2019
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed effort aims to design and additively manufacture a highly-integrated 12U-class spacecraft bus to demonstrate increased performance, functionality and payload volume (relative to todays conventionally assembled spacecraft that use a variety of commoditized components from different suppliers and integrate them together in a bolt-on manner).Specific Phase I activities will include a critical characterization of application goals to derive system requirements, identification and design of integrated architectures, and component down-selection to realize a high payload mass fraction system with integrated and conformal propulsion, on-board processing, and a variety of other enabling attributes to offer the next generation of intelligent, autonomous and highly-functional spacecraft for military and commercial use.Integrated spacecraft,Conformal,additive manufacturing,Propulsion,Autonomy,On-board processing,12U,high payload mass fraction

Phase II

Contract Number: FA9453-22-C-A009
Start Date: 3/23/2022    Completed: 7/3/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The proposed effort aims to design and additively manufacture a set of highly-integrated spacecraft buses to demonstrate their flexibility and adaptability as an experimental test platform for AFRL. It will also seek to simultaneously advance the TRL of t