Company Profile

Veracity Engineering LLC
Profile last edited on: 8/7/20      CAGE: 3HAW0      UEI: LTPHJETBAAJ7

Business Identifier: Aviation engineering and management consulting
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

955 L'enfant Plaza Sw
Washington, DC 20024
   (202) 488-0975
Location: Single
Congr. District: 00
County: District of Columbia

Public Profile

Veracity Engineering provides aviation engineering and management consulting. The firm provides solutions to modernize air traffic systems and advance global initiatives in safety, efficiency, and capacity. The firm provides the following services: Systems Engineering, NextGen, ATC Communications, Aviation Laboratories, Airport Surface Surveillance, Software Engineering, Program Management, Business Case Analysis, Asset Management. The firm's SurfaceView is an integrated radar, ADS-B and camera based system that provides surface situational awareness and security capabilities to small and mid-size airports without surface surveillance capabilities.Whether it’s the movement of aircraft or other vehicles, wildlife, or other hazards, SurfaceView provides the information needed to address issues in real time, the analysis needed to optimize operations, and the data needed to ensure the veracity of billing and other critical business processes

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2019 2 AF $787,651
Project Title: Open Call for Innovative Defense-Related Dual-Purpose Technologies/Solutions

Key People / Management

  Brian Lawrence

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