TTDAQ: A Continuous Flow, Timing and Trigger DAQ System
Award last edited on: 5/27/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Codrut Radulescu

Company Information

Telluric Labs LLC

100 Nicolls Road
Stony Brook, NY 11790
   (973) 536-2608

Research Institution

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Phase I

Contract Number: DE-SC0019581
Start Date: 2/19/2019    Completed: 11/18/2019
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The nuclear physics data acquisition systems are challenged by the increasing demand for flexibility, accuracy, volume of data and processing speed, massive scalability, upgradability, and lower acquisition operations and maintenance costs. General precision timing synchronization for all Detector and DAQ components provides novel and original solutions to these problems especially if it can be achieved solely through commercial networks. Our General Timing Synchronization (GTS) technology runs over commercial Ethernet links and performs sub-nS accuracy under maximum traffic loads, securely, with unlimited scalability, and simplified HW. This features makes it ideal for both acquisition systems and Internet of Time that brings ubiquitous accurate time to everything online. This proposal will demonstrate GTS protocol data planes running between two Ethernet ports. GTS performs stealthily and non-intrusively by timestamping user data. Its algorithms may run on any proxies or in the cloud. The information collected from packet flow analysis can be used by the control plane of the Software Defined Networks (SDN) to dynamically distribute the network load, improve routing and security and detect intrusion. Conceptually, GTS operation is entirely different from traditional timing protocols like IEEE 1588, NTP, or SyncE. GTS’ flexibility and capabilities could be the potential foundation of a new functional Internet of Time (IoT) enabling new functionality and faster operation in a variety of areas including nuclear physics detectors, wireless telecom and global positioning.

Phase II

Contract Number: DE-SC0019581
Start Date: 4/6/2020    Completed: 4/5/2022
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposal aims to develop a revolutionary 2Tbps, DWDM, radhard Photonics Integrated Circuit in partnership with MIT’s Lincoln Lab. The device leverages the light loopback circuits developed for our General Timing Synchronization protocol and interfaces with our top of line IP Access Gateway Hardware and FPGA. The assembly perfectly matches in bandwidth and timing synchronization and it is the building block for a truly software defined Time and Trigger DAQ, capable to perform continuous readout of all data generated by sensors. By converting the HW Trigger into a SW filtering system TTDAQ allows multipole simultaneous experimental data collection processes. Because the PIC can survive deep inside the detector all FE signals are transported through optical fiber using our passive optical networks technology. Moreover, our OCDMA methodology allows elimination of electrical buffering and multiplexing. Both the direct optical transport capabilities, and the IPAG - PIC tandem, provide a massive increase in end-to-end data bandwidth, flexibility, and scalability, at a much lower cost. Furthermore, TTDAQ performs continuous acquisition, and multi- level triggering and filtering capability, all implemented in software.