Artificially Intelligent Solution to Maximize Value Creation and Upcycling Potential of Aluminum Scrap
Award last edited on: 3/3/2021

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Sean Kelly

Company Information

Solvus Global LLC

104 Prescott Street
Worcester, MA 01605
   (508) 733-1808
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Worcester

Phase I

Contract Number: 1843858
Start Date: 2/1/2019    Completed: 6/30/2020
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is increased revenue and processing potential for scrap recyclers in the US. The artificially-intelligent algorithm designed in this project will enable domestic scrap processors to become more competitive within the material supply chain by giving them the ability to adapt, in real-time, to an ever-changing material consumption climate. With unstable international commodity trade, US scrap processors must reduce reliance on exporting low-value scrap to maintain profitable business models. Additionally, US scrap must exercise optimal processing schedules to prevent scrap surplus domestically while providing consumers with recycled products that are functionally equivalent to new products. The latter offers an environmentally-friendly scrap-to-product option that reduces the energy required for production and the amount of harmful CO2 released. Aluminum scrap recycling has been practiced for decades; however, the majority of post-consumer scrap is downcycled leaving revenue and environmental benefits untapped. Non-ferrous auto-shred was, on average, sold for $0.33/lb. less than its actual value in 2017, which equates to nearly $1 billion in opportunity cost. Artificially intelligent sorting systems will enable scrap processors to reach higher profit margins and meet environmental goals. The proposed project will completely automate scrap sortation. The advent of multi-sort capability encourages the need for preliminary research to identify how to operate sensor-based sorters optimally. Artificial intelligence can meet this need. The intellectual merit of this project is the development of an artificially-intelligent algorithm that is capable of optimizing scrap sortation in real-time. The research objectives include:?(1) identify all data sources in the scrap recycling process that ?can ?influence intelligent decision making (2)?design a database to host identified data sources such as compositional, market, inventory, and sales data and (3) design a customized artificially-intelligent algorithm for the? scrap ?recycling industry to develop sorting criteria in real-time. To meet these objectives, a dynamic material flow model will be designed to analyze and host all relevant sensor, market, and experimental data streams to minimize data pre-processing requirements. Concurrently, aluminum scrap will be characterized to investigate how frequently and to what degree composition fluctuates. The database that hosts all supportive data streams will be designed to store and integrate all relevant data streams seamlessly. Finally, using an 80/20 training/testing data split with 5-fold cross-validation, the machine learning algorithm will be selected and optimized to provide the lowest error rate for suggested sorting criteria. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Phase II

Contract Number: 2026106
Start Date: 9/15/2020    Completed: 8/31/2022
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will develop an artificially intelligent sorting software (AISS) for the metal scrap processing industry. Scrap packages of unknown composition can result in costly melt losses and increased consumption of primary aluminum to balance out composition. Recycled aluminum production consumes 5% of the total energy required to form primary aluminum and yields significantly less waste per ton. The AISS aims to (1) enable production of high-quality, maximum-value scrap by combining market and compositional data to optimize sorting criteria and (2) use artificial intelligence to predict optimally salable scrap packages; the estimated value of this information is $1 billion, representing over 4% of total industry revenue. This SBIR Phase II project will advance translation of a system combining market value and compositional data to produce maximum-value nonferrous scrap sortation decisions. The proposed work will deliver the AISS to scrap processors for identification, in real time, of maximum-value commodity packages by analyzing several data streams. It will recommend optimized sorting criteria for maximum profit generation, predict scrap stream composition, and monitor scrap-package composition for guaranteed quality. This project will: (1) enhance the AISS to include stream prediction and real-time data integration, (2) scale integration and testing to validate the AISS hardware package, and (3) complete integration, testing, and commercial-scale optimization of the AISS software-hardware package with sensor-sorting systems. This project will develop the first real-time adaptive sortation algorithm introduced to the non-ferrous scrap sortation industry.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.