Company Profile

SkyNano LLC
Profile last edited on: 9/26/2022      CAGE: 7XKB4      UEI: W3H1A1LMZ444

Business Identifier: New techniques to manufacture lower-cost carbon additives
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

2630 Oleander Way
Knoxville, TN 37931
   (330) 285-3299
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Knox

Public Profile

SkyNano LLC is clean energy tech start-up structured around utilizing carbon emissions as chemical feedstock to manufacture high value functional materials. Advanced carbon additives are supermaterials with important mechanical, thermal, and electronic properties but are avaiable only at very high cost. Anchored in technology developed at Vanderbilt University that addresses both cost and scaleability issues, the SkyNano objective is to achieve a low cost manufacturing technique of high value carbon materials, using as direct inputsonly inexpensive materials, electricity and carbon dioxide. The effort is to achieve commercial viability to carbon conversion technologies by use of high-value secondary material produced from greenhouse gas inputs. Anchored in electrochemistry rather than solely catalysis permits a highly efficient process to convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into useful functional nanomaterials.

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Key People / Management

  Anna E Doulglas -- Co-Founder and CEO

  Anna Douglas -- Co-Founder & CEO

  Anna Klug -- Mechanical Engineer

  Cary Pint -- Co-Founder & CTO

  David Lee Wood -- Director of Engineering Management

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