Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) Conformance Tool
Award last edited on: 3/29/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Ken Erickson

Company Information

Tucson Embedded Systems Inc

5620 North Kolb Road Suite 160
Tucson, AZ 85750
   (520) 575-7283
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Pima

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-17-C-0087
Start Date: 10/13/2016    Completed: 2/8/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Tucson Embedded Systems, Inc. (TES) proposes a novel approach to the Navy SBIR 2016.2 Topic N162-086 Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) Conformance Tool that reduces risk by building upon our existing proven toolset architecture and by using key personnel that have considerable experience in standards conformance, model based engineering, conformance verification tools, architecture development, and a professional stake in the advancement of the HOST Standard. HOST Conformance is defined as 100 percent compliance with all HOST requirements and identifies two products to be verified for conformance: Tier 3 Specifications and products developed to those specifications. TES understands and has been involved in the detailed conformance needs of conformance and has significant lessons learned that can be applied to HOST conformance process and tooling. As such, our response mitigates risk and increases feasibility and success by exposing, analyzing, documenting, and resolving the needs of the HOST component developers and military purchasers. Feasibility is further increased by leveraging the AWESUM Architecture. TES is committing to this project resources with significant and varying interest and experience in FACE Verification Authority conformance, hardware verification, National Instruments LabView, OpenVPX (VITA 65) standard, model-based engineering, real-time embedded systems and tool development, and the FACE Technical

TES will provide the Navy a dual-use conformance tool solution that satisfies the industry Need for a efficient method HOST component conformance. Benefits include: Open and extensible data formats Ease-of-use Plug-in, extensible, architecture External toolset integration and augmentation Automation of repetitive and error-prone task Potential for web-based delivery Auto documentation and generation of conformance artifacts with full specification traceability Reduced cost due to cross-cutting tool for aerospace, automotive, and other similar industry usage

Conformance, Conformance, Model, Face, VPX, AWESUM, Host, VITA, OpenVPX

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-18-C-0274
Start Date: 3/26/2018    Completed: 3/31/2020
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Tucson Embedded Systems, Inc. (TES) proposes a novel, dual purpose, solution to the Navy SBIR 2016.2 Topic N162-086 Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) Conformance Tool that reduces risk by building upon our existing proven toolset architecture (AWESUM), Phase I efforts, and key personnel with considerable experience in standards conformance, model based engineering, conformance verification, tool development, and a professional stake in the advancement of the HOST Standard. TES personnel have significant and varying experience and skills in HOST, FACE Verification Authority, hardware verification, NI LabView, DOORS, OpenVPX, model based engineering, and real-time embedded systems and tool development. TES is committed to developing a holistic solution to HOST conformance focused on automated verification of HOST modules against the HOST and OpenVPX specifications to provide a HOST conformance test station, conformance data dissemination, and integration with other HOST tool, standards developer, and module suppliers. TES has been involved in the detailed conformance needs and has significant lessons learned that can be applied to HOST conformance process and tooling. As such, our response mitigates risk and increases feasibility and success by analyzing, documenting, and resolving the needs of the HOST component developers, HOST tools providers, system integrators, and military purchasers.

TES will provide the Navy a dual-use conformance tool solution that satisfies the industry need for a holistic and efficient method HOST component conformance. Benefits include: Open and extensible system and data formats Ease-of-use Secure-Web-based delivery of HOST conformance data Plug-in, extensible, architecture External toolset integration and augmentation (e.g. DOORS and LabView compatible) Automation of repetitive and error-prone tasks Auto documentation and generation of conformance artifacts with full specification traceability Reduced cost due to cross-cutting tool for aerospace, automotive, and other similar industry usage

AWESUM, VPX, Model-Based-Engineering, Host, Toolset, OpenVPX, Face, Conformance