BaySpec Inc. proposes to develop a compact multi-gas analyzer to improve performance and reduce maintenance costs of current atmosphere monitoring systems in submarines. In the proposed system, a novel orthogonal sensor system will be used to detect, identify, and quantify in real time key volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and atmospheric compounds in submarine atmosphere. The Phase I research aims to demonstrate the feasibility of such a gas sensor system and design a laboratory prototype for Phase II construction.
Benefit: The proposed multi-gas detection/monitoring system will ensure the health of submarine air and thus reduce air contaminants related illness for the crew. Other private sector applications include monitoring of combustion gasses in pre- and post- fire applications, monitoring of CO2 and other emissions from factories, power plants, cars, or other private industry applications, and detection of gas levels and leakages in various industrial environments.
Keywords: mass spectrometer, mass spectrometer, laser spectroscopy, TDLAS, Submarine Atmosphere, Atmosphere Analysis