Tanner Research will develop, implement, and test a MEMS fabricated hybrid solid-state electronic switch for Phase I proof-of-concept demonstration of reliably initiating an EFI detonator for embedding into an electronic S&A device (ESAD). Tanner Researchs Phase I proof of concept hardware development is focused on developing and implementing the proof of concept high voltage switch, and secondly on integrating the switch into a COTS-type TRL-7 ESAD for empirical demonstration. Accordingly, the solid state discharge switch, with no moving parts, will provide accurate single- or multipoint timing, and repeatable operation for warhead and rocket motor fuzing applications. Objectively, the silicon-based discharge switch is being developed for reliable, low-cost insertion in electronic fuzing architectures, as well as providing robustness in high-G and high-radiation environments, along with repeatable operation for multi-option fuzing applications. Fundamental to this approach is the need for cost effective alternatives to existing solid-state trigger switches that have increased electronic fuzing costs to the point of infeasibility.
Benefit: Tanner Research, Inc. over 16 years has developed 6 generations of electronic fuzing architectures for reliable EFI detonator initiation. The high-cost and long delivery times of solid-state switching led to developing several 100-nanosecond response time alternatives to facilitate continued marketing into low-cost high density munitions transitioning to IM-compliance. The proposed solution could be used as a drop-in replacement for the single most expensive component in such electronic devices, dramatically reducing electronic fuze costs. Further, Tanner will demonstrate a clear path toward future applications in multiple munitions.
Keywords: EFI Detonator, EFI Detonator, Electronic Fuzing, HV Fireset, HV Pulsed Power, MEMS CDU Switch, High Voltage Trigger,, Solid-State Spark Gap