Generation of High Resolution Antibody Mimetics to Improve the Visualization of Subcellular Structures by Super Resolution MicroscopyAward last edited on: 2/21/19
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIGMSTotal Award Amount
$150,000Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Richard John SudermanCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43GM128463-01Start Date: 4/1/18 Completed: 9/30/19
Phase I year
2018Phase I Amount
$150,000Project Terms:
Achievement; Affinity; Animals; Antibodies; Antibody Formation; aptamer; base; Behavior; Benchmarking; Binding; Biophysical Process; Buffers; Carbohydrates; Cellular Structures; Complex; Cysteine; density; Development; Direct immunofluorescence; Disease; effective therapy; Engineering; Exposure to; fluorophore; Generations; Goals; Hyaluronidase; Image; Imagery; Immunization; Immunofluorescence Microscopy; Immunoglobulins; improved; Investigation; Label; Length; Libraries; Methods; Microscopy; mimetics; nanobodies; nanometer; Nature; novel; open source; Performance; Phage Display; Phase; polyol; Positioning Attribute; Process; Property; Proteins; Protocols documentation; Reagent; Research; Resolution; scaffold; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Sodium Chloride; Specificity; Stains; Structure; Subcellular structure; Surface; Techniques; Technology; Testing; tool; Variant;
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00