Company Profile

Behaivior LLC
Profile last edited on: 5/12/2023      CAGE: 7WXM2      UEI: PW52CMXHXAH5

Business Identifier: Helping people live better lives through pattern recognition A.I. and behavioral health technology.
Year Founded
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Location Information

4620 Henry Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
   (412) 719-5879
Location: Single
Congr. District: 18
County: Allegheny

Public Profile

Usefully understood as a digital health company, Behaivior is structured around democratizing mental health recovery and wellness using AI, behavioral health tech, and wearables for crisis aversion & mental health support. What is described as the firm's "Behaivior system" integrates the firm's Recovery app and wearable technology. Using an SaaS B2B model, the objective is to help people stay on track with their recovery process and wellness by providing the right intervention at the right time and help care providers better serve their clients. The firm's platform - Recovery - is a proactive, tailored, and wearable mental health wellness system using (1) intelligence of machine learning and (2) science of behavior to help increase mental health and reduce return the persons involved to use condition The firm's patent pending platform uses state-of-the-art proprietary AI/machine learning models to predict in advance when a person is "at-risk" of a crisis event, including use or return to use: thr first proactive and individually-tailored solution able reliably to detect and intervene before a crisis occurs

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Ellie Gordon -- Founder, CEO, & Designer

  Whitney Menarcheck -- Clinical Applications Director and Business Development Executive

  Ryan O’Shea -- Founder

  Lou Simon -- Senior Software Engineer

  Arthur Sugden -- Chief Technology Officer

  James Tiu -- Founder

Company News

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