Immunomodulatory Therapy for Neuropathic PainAward last edited on: 2/19/2024
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NINDSTotal Award Amount
$2,719,541Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
853Principal Investigator
Ridong ChenCompany Information
APT Therapeutics Inc (AKA: Advanced Protein Technologies Inc.)
4041 Forest Park Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63108
Saint Louis, MO 63108
(314) 800-4742 |
info@apt-therapeutics.com |
www.apt-therapeutics.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: St. Louis city
Congr. District: 01
County: St. Louis city
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43NS106850-01Start Date: 9/1/2018 Completed: 2/28/2021
Phase I year
2018Phase I Amount
$299,346Public Health Relevance Statement:
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle: Ridong Chen Narrative We will determine whether induction of regulatory T cells with an optimized IL2 analog will abrogate neuropathic pain without behavioral side effects in the well-established animal model.
Project Terms:
Affect; Analgesics; painkiller; pain reliever; pain medication; pain killer; Antinociceptive Drugs; Antinociceptive Agents; Anodynes; Analgesic Preparation; Analgesic Drugs; Analgesic Agents; Opioid Analgesics; opioid painkiller; opioid pain reliever; opioid pain medication; opioid anesthetic; opioid analgesia; opiate pain reliever; opiate pain medication; opiate analgesic; opiate analgesia; inhibitor/antagonist; inhibitor; Anticonvulsants; Anticonvulsive Drugs; Anticonvulsive Agents; Anticonvulsant Drugs; Anticonvulsant Agent; Antidepressive Agents; anti-depressive agents; anti-depressants; anti-depressant drugs; anti-depressant agent; Antidepressants; Antidepressant Drugs; Antidepressant Agent; Binding Sites; Reactive Site; Combining Site; Biological Assay; Biologic Assays; Bioassay; Assay; Blood Vessels; vascular; Cell Count; Cell Number; Cell physiology; Subcellular Process; Cellular Process; Cellular Physiology; Cellular Function; Cell Process; Cell Function; Cells; Cell Body; Diabetic Neuropathies; diabetes-associated neuropathy; Disease; Disorder; Pharmaceutical Preparations; drug/agent; Pharmaceutic Preparations; Medication; Drugs; eosinophil; eosinocyte; Marrow Eosinophil; Eosinophilic Leukocyte; Eosinophilic Granulocyte; Blood Eosinophil; Acidophilic Leukocyte; Escherichia coli; E. coli; E coli; Goals; Half-Life; Homeostasis; Physiological Homeostasis; Autoregulation; Human; Modern Man; In Vitro; Inflammation; Interleukin-2; Thymocyte Stimulating Factor; T-Cell Stimulating Factor; T-Cell Growth Factor; T cell growth factor; Mitogenic Factor; Lymphocyte Mitogenic Factor; Interleukine II; Interleukine 2 Precursor; Interleukine 2; Interleukin II; Interleukin 2 Precursor; Interleukin 2; IL2 Protein; IL-2; Epidermal Thymocyte Activating Factor; Costimulator; Co-Stimulator; Kidney; renal; Kidney Urinary System; Natural Killer Cells; NK Cells; K lymphocyte; Cytotoxic cell; Lidocaine; Lignocaine; Maintenance; melanoma; Malignant Melanoma; Memory; Mutation; genome mutation; Genetic defect; Genetic Change; Genetic Alteration; Norepinephrine; Noradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levarterenol; Pain; Painful; Patients; Phenotype; Plasma; Reticuloendothelial System, Serum, Plasma; Plasma Serum; Blood Plasma; Quality of life; QOL; Rattus; Rats Mammals; Rat; Common Rat Strains; Recombinant Proteins; Serotonin; Hippophaine; Enteramine; 5HT; 5-Hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT; Serum Albumin; Streptozocin; Zanosar; Streptozotocin; STZ; Syndrome; Regulatory T-Lymphocyte; regulatory T-cells; Treg; Thymus Gland; Thymus Reticuloendothelial System; Thymus Proper; Thymus; Toxicology; Tramadol; United States; Work; gabapentin; Neurontin; cytokine; Generations; neural injury; nerve injury; Fusion Protein; Chimera Protein; Chimeric Proteins; base; improved; Site; Phase; Self Tolerance; Recombinant Human Interleukin-2; Recombinant Human IL-2; Proleukin; Aldesleukin; diabetic; T8 Lymphocytes; T8 Cells; CD8-Positive Lymphocytes; CD8+ T-Lymphocyte; CD8+ T cell; CD8 lymphocyte; CD8 T cells; CD8 Cell; CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes; analog; Peripheral nerve injury; Therapeutic; Attenuated; programs; Mechanics; mechanical; Immune; Immunes; Severities; Neuropathy; neuropathic; Autoimmune Process; Autoimmune; Reaction; restoration; allodynia; body system; Organ System; molecular size; receptor; Receptor Protein; functional status; reuptake; Animal Model; model organism; model of animal; Animal Models and Related Studies; Toxic effect; Toxicities; pregabalin; 3-isobutyl GABA; Therapeutic Index; neurotransmission; neuronal signaling; neural signaling; nerve signaling; glial signaling; glia signaling; axonal signaling; axon-glial signaling; axon signaling; Neuronal Transmission; Nerve Transmission; Nerve Impulse Transmission; Modeling; response; immunogenic; IL2 gene; TCGF Gene; T-Cell Growth Factor Gene; Interleukin-2 Gene; Interleukin 2 Precursor Gene; IL2; IL-2 Gene; Aldesleukin Gene; Adverse effects; treatment adverse effect; therapy adverse effect; side effect; Treatment Side Effects; Eragrostis; Teff; NK Cell Activation; Natural Killer Cell Activation; Binding; Molecular Interaction; prevent; preventing; IL2RA gene; TCGFR; IL2RA; IL2R; CD25; Renal carcinoma; Renal Cancer; Kidney Carcinoma; Kidney Cancer; Address; Dose; Symptoms; Affinity; Data; Mammalian Cell; Small Business Innovation Research; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Principal Investigator; manage symptom; symptom management; Behavioral; pathway; Pathway interactions; neuropathic pain; painful neuropathy; cost; neurobehavioral; designing; design; chronic constriction injury; innovative; innovate; innovation; novel therapy; novel drugs; novel drug treatments; next generation therapeutics; new therapy; new therapeutics; new drugs; new drug treatments; novel therapeutics; addictive disorder; addiction; type 1 diabetic; type I diabetic; mechanical allodynia; pre-clinical safety; preclinical safety; drug candidate; targeted therapy; targeted therapeutic agents; targeted therapeutic; targeted drug treatments; targeted drug therapy; targeted treatment; SCURFIN; JM2; Forkhead Box P3; FOXP3; FOXP3 gene; common symptom; immune modulatory therapies; immune modulating therapies; immunomodulatory therapies; Injections; pain patient; relieve pain; pain relief
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44NS106850-02Start Date: 9/1/2018 Completed: 8/31/2024
Phase II year
2021(last award dollars: 2023)
Phase II Amount
$2,420,195Public Health Relevance Statement:
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle: Ridong Chen Narrative We will determine whether induction of regulatory T cells with an optimized IL2 analog robustly abrogates neuropathic pain with excellent safety in two well-established animal models. With a strong interdisciplinary drug development team, we propose to initiate critical activities necessary to enable IND filing for this novel drug candidate.
Project Terms:
Affect; Analgesics; Analgesic Agents; Analgesic Drugs; Analgesic Preparation; Anodynes; Antinociceptive Agents; Antinociceptive Drugs; pain killer; pain medication; pain reliever; painkiller; inhibitor/antagonist; inhibitor; Anti-Inflammatory Agents; Anti-Inflammatories; Anti-inflammatory; Antiinflammatories; Antiinflammatory Agents; antiinflammatory; Anticonvulsants; Anticonvulsant Agent; Anticonvulsant Drugs; Anticonvulsive Agents; Anticonvulsive Drugs; Antidepressive Agents; Antidepressant Agent; Antidepressant Drugs; Antidepressants; anti-depressant agent; anti-depressant drugs; anti-depressants; anti-depressive agents; Autoimmune Diseases; autoimmune condition; autoimmune disorder; Binding Sites; Combining Site; Reactive Site; Blood Glucose; Blood Sugar; Blood Vessels; vascular; Malignant Neoplasms; Cancers; Malignant Tumor; malignancy; neoplasm/cancer; Cell Count; Cell Number; Cell physiology; Cell Function; Cell Process; Cellular Function; Cellular Physiology; Cellular Process; Subcellular Process; Cells; Cell Body; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Cessation of life; Death; Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus; Brittle Diabetes Mellitus; IDDM; Juvenile-Onset Diabetes Mellitus; Ketosis-Prone Diabetes Mellitus; Sudden-Onset Diabetes Mellitus; T1 DM; T1 diabetes; T1D; T1DM; Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; Type 1 diabetes; Type I Diabetes Mellitus; insulin dependent diabetes; juvenile diabetes; juvenile diabetes mellitus; ketosis prone diabetes; type I diabetes; type one diabetes; Diabetic Neuropathies; diabetes-associated neuropathy; Disease; Disorder; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Drugs; Medication; Pharmaceutic Preparations; drug/agent; eosinophil; Blood Eosinophil; Eosinophilic Granulocyte; Eosinophilic Leukocyte; Marrow Eosinophil; Escherichia coli; E coli; E. coli; Goals; Cyclic GMP; Guanosine Cyclic Monophosphate; cGMP; Half-Life; Homeostasis; Autoregulation; Physiological Homeostasis; Human; Modern Man; In Vitro; Infection; Interferons; IFN; Interleukin-2; Co-Stimulator; Costimulator; Epidermal Thymocyte Activating Factor; IL-2; IL2 Protein; Interleukin 2; Interleukin 2 Precursor; Interleukin II; Interleukine 2; Interleukine 2 Precursor; Interleukine II; Lymphocyte Mitogenic Factor; Mitogenic Factor; T cell growth factor; T-Cell Growth Factor; T-Cell Stimulating Factor; Thymocyte Stimulating Factor; Kidney; Kidney Urinary System; renal; Natural Killer Cells; Cytotoxic cell; K lymphocyte; NK Cells; Lidocaine; Lignocaine; macrophage; MÏ; Maintenance; melanoma; Malignant Melanoma; Memory; Mutation; Genetic Alteration; Genetic Change; Genetic defect; genome mutation; Nervous system structure; Nervous System; Neurologic Body System; Neurologic Organ System; Neurons; Nerve Cells; Nerve Unit; Neural Cell; Neurocyte; neuronal; Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levonorepinephrine; Noradrenaline; Pain; Painful; Patients; Pharmacology; Phenotype; Plasma; Blood Plasma; Plasma Serum; Reticuloendothelial System, Serum, Plasma; Postherpetic neuralgia; post herpetic neuralgia; Quality of life; QOL; Rattus; Common Rat Strains; Rat; Rats Mammals; Recombinant Proteins; Safety; sciatic nerve; Serotonin; 5-HT; 5-Hydroxytryptamine; 5HT; Enteramine; Hippophaine; Serum Albumin; Streptozocin; STZ; Streptozotocin; Zanosar; Syndrome; Regulatory T-Lymphocyte; Treg; regulatory T-cells; Thymus Gland; Thymus; Thymus Proper; Thymus Reticuloendothelial System; Trigeminal Neuralgia; Epileptiform Neuralgia; Fothergill Disease; Fothergill's neuralgia; Tic Douloureux; Trifacial Neuralgia; trifocal neuralgia; United States; Work; gabapentin; Neurontin; cytokine; Generations; GTP-Binding Proteins; G-Proteins; GTP-Regulatory Proteins; Guanine Nucleotide Coupling Protein; Guanine Nucleotide Regulatory Proteins; Mediating; chronic pain; Polyneuropathy; Chimeric Proteins; Chimera Protein; Fusion Protein; base; improved; Site; Phase; Variant; Variation; Self Tolerance; Sensory Ganglia; Aldesleukin; Proleukin; Recombinant Human IL-2; Recombinant Human Interleukin-2; Lesion; diabetic; Opioid; Opiates; CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes; CD8 Cell; CD8 T cells; CD8 lymphocyte; CD8+ T cell; CD8+ T-Lymphocyte; CD8-Positive Lymphocytes; T8 Cells; T8 Lymphocytes; Th1 Cells; Th-1 Cell; Type 1 Helper Cell; non-opioid analgesic; non-narcotic analgesic; non-opiate analgesic; non-opioid; non-opioid therapeutics; nonnarcotic analgesics; nonopiate analgesic; nonopioid; nonopioid analgesics; analog; duloxetine; Peripheral nerve injury; peripheral nerve crush injuries; Functional disorder; Dysfunction; Physiopathology; pathophysiology; Therapeutic; Attenuated; programs; mechanical; Mechanics; Immunes; Immune; Severities; Reaction; restoration; allodynia; Mononeuropathies; American; experience; molecular size; Receptor Protein; receptor; functional status; reuptake; Animal Models and Related Studies; model of animal; model organism; Animal Model; Toxicities; Toxic effect; 3-isobutyl GABA; pregabalin; Therapeutic Index; Nerve Impulse Transmission; Nerve Transmission; Neuronal Transmission; axon signaling; axon-glial signaling; axonal signaling; glia signaling; glial signaling; nerve signaling; neural signaling; neuronal signaling; neurotransmission; novel; Preventative strategy; Preventive strategy; Prevention strategy; Benefits and Risks; Reporting; Modeling; response; drug development; Aldesleukin Gene; IL-2 Gene; IL2; Interleukin 2 Precursor Gene; Interleukin-2 Gene; T-Cell Growth Factor Gene; TCGF Gene; IL2 gene; Pathogenicity; Natural Killer Cell Activation; NK Cell Activation; Molecular Interaction; Binding; preventing; prevent; CD25; IL2R; IL2RA; TCGFR; IL2RA gene; Kidney Cancer; Kidney Carcinoma; Renal Cancer; Renal carcinoma; Address; Dose; Symptoms; Affinity; Data; Mammalian Cell; Principal Investigator; Development; developmental; symptom management; manage symptom; Pathway interactions; pathway; painful neuropathy; neuropathic pain; post stroke pain; poststroke pain; neuroinflammation; neuroinflammatory; design; designing; novel strategies; new approaches; novel approaches; novel strategy; chronic constriction injury; manufacturing process; diabetic rat; Rat model of diabetes; diabetic rat model; innovation; innovate; innovative; somatosensory; novel therapeutics; new drug treatments; new drugs; new therapeutics; new therapy; next generation therapeutics; novel drug treatments; novel drugs; novel therapy; addiction; addictive disorder; type I diabetic; type 1 diabetic; mechanical allodynia; drug candidate; phase 1 study; Phase I Study; FOXP3 gene; FOXP3; Forkhead Box P3; JM2; SCURFIN; symptom treatment; symptomatic treatment; treat symptom; opioid epidemic; opiate crisis; opioid crisis; opioid overdose; opiate overdose; opiate related overdose; opioid drug overdose; opioid induced overdose; opioid intoxication; opioid medication overdose; opioid poisoning; opioid related overdose; opioid toxicity; immunomodulatory therapies; Immune Modulation Therapy; immune modulating therapies; immune modulatory therapies; immune-modulation treatment; immunomodulation therapy; immunomodulation treatment; immunomodulatory therapy; immunomodulatory treatment; Injections; pain relief; relieve pain; side effect; effector T cell; Teff cell; Autoimmune