Company Profile

Elm Tree Medical Inc
Profile last edited on: 8/30/19      CAGE: 7HL69      UEI: XRZCNPYH7HA3

Business Identifier: Novel medical devices to improve women's health care.
Year Founded
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Location Information

3350 Vicente CENTE Street
San Francisco, CA 94116
   (215) 805-0862
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: San Francisco

Public Profile

Elm Tree Medical Inc develops novel medical devices to improve women's health care. The firm has introduced an easy, low risk device to improve the accuracy and precision of cervical dilation measurements, both in prenatal clinics and Labor and Delivery units. Women make 80% of health care decisions, and they comprise 57% of outpatient clinic visits. Women are more likely to use medical devices than are men. Yet the FDA identified development & testing of medical devices for women as an unmet need. By focusing on elegant solutions to women's health care needs, Elm Tree Medical fulfills this mandate.

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
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Key People / Management

  Vincenzo Berghella

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