Company Profile

re:3D Inc (AKA: Re3d Inc)
Profile last edited on: 6/7/2023      CAGE: 738T8      UEI: W6N4D7JMXA35

Business Identifier: Equipment designed to permit 3D printing from reclaimed plastic trash
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

1100 Hercules Avenue Suite 220
Houston, TX 77058
   (512) 730-0033
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 36
County: Harris

Public Profile

With facilities in Houston and in Austin TX along with a presence in Puerto Rico, RE3D is structured around developing 3D printing technologies, marketplaces, and communities. The firm's personnel are described as committed to reducing significantly the cost & scale barriers to industrial 3D printing. Having pioneered the world’s first and most affordable, human-scale industrial 3D printer, re:3D is creating large scale, affordable 3D printers printing from pellets, regrind, and flake plastic waste (?). In addition to creating 3D printers for customers in over 50 countries, re:3D also offers 3D printing contract services, consulting, design and education services.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Samantha L Snabes -- CEO

  Patrick Ferrell

  Matthew Fiedler -- Co-Founder, CTO & Chief Hacker

  Chris Gerty -- Co-Founder & Catalyst

  Katherine Jeremko

  Lara Jeremko

  Samantha Reeve -- Mechanical Engineer

  Michael Strong -- Chief of Staff

Company News

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